The Benefits of Home PD
Home-based dialysis supports improved quality of life and health outcomes when compared to conventional dialysis, and BC is proud to have the highest PD rates in the country. Patients and/or family members receive training to manage all aspects of PD care and have access to a multidisciplinary team including a nephrologist, PD nurse, pharmacist, social worker, and dietitian.
Some of the benefits of Peritoneal Dialysis include:
- A flexible schedule that patients can control
- Simple techniques to learn
- Low time commitment each week
- Diet and fluid intake flexibility
- Higher level of independence
- More time at home
- Preservation of residual kidney function
- More energy, and simply feeling better
- Less time at the hospital
- Ability to travel due to portability
Patients who need additional short or longer term help to maintain their PD care at home - generally elderly or disabled patients - may be eligible to receive support from the PD Assist (PDA) program. PDA provides patients with daily home visits from trained caregivers to help with non-nursing tasks related to continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD). These may include setup, dismantle and disposal of supplies. Your PD care team can provide you with additional information.
*The information in our patient handout materials are provided for educational/information purposes, and to support discussion with your health care team about your medical condition and treatment. It does not constitute medical advice and should not substitute for advice given by your physician or other qualified health care professional.