Employer Benefits: If you are employed, speak with your employer about benefits available to you from the company you work for (e.g., vacation, sickness, short-term or long-term disability, insurance).
Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPPD): If you've previously contributed to the Canadian Pension Plan, but can no longer work, you may be eligible to receive CPPD payments.
Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation: This provincial department offers a number of different financial assistance programs for low-income BC residents. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/ministries/social-development-poverty-reduction
Basic Income Assistance and Persons With Disabilities Benefits: If you are in need and have no other resources, you may be eligible for income assistance from the provincial government.
Travel Assistance Program (TAP): This program helps alleviate some of the transportation costs for eligible B.C. residents who must travel within the province for non-emergency medical specialist services not available in their own community. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/accessing-health-care/tap-bc/travel-assistance-program-tap-bc
Air Travel - Hope Air: For those who must fly to non-emergency medical appointments but cannot afford to, Hope Air provides free flights. https://hopeair.ca/
Provincial Bus Pass: Persons with disabilities, low-income seniors and others who are eligible can access a discounted bus pass. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/passenger-travel/buses-taxis-limos/bus-pass/seniors
Kidney Foundation Programs: The Kidney Foundation offers several financial assistance programs, including those related to travel and accommodation for treatment.