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Publications and Presentations

This section contains publications and presentations involving BC researchers across all nephrology subject categories.
  1. Madero M, Levin A, et al. (2025). Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: Synopsis of the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes 2024 Clinical Practice Guideline. Annals of Internal Medicine
  2. Siriwardana A, Levin, et al. (2025). Cardiovascular, kidney and safety outcomes with canagliflozin in older adults: A combined analysis from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial . Diabetes Obes Metab. 2025; 27(4):1972-1979
  3. Pietrobon A and Elliott M. (2025). Chronic Benign Tubular Albuminuria from Compound Heterozygous Variants in CUBN: A Case Study. JASN
  4. Kistler B M, Biruete A, Wong M MY, et al. (2025). Homemade formulas for nutrition support in chronic kidney disease: A narrative review of the opportunity for education, research, and innovation. NCP
  5. Ghaddar M, et al. (2025). Risk of Postoperative Hypermagnesemia in Cardiopulmonary Bypass–Assisted Cardiovascular Surgery. Kidney360 6(2):219-226
  6. Hughes A, Ju A, Cazzolli R, Howell M, Levin A, et al. (2025). Patient-reported outcome measures for life participation in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. KIR 
  7. Wazze S E, Nijjar D, Ethier I, Paparella A, Hales L, Finkle N, Jha V, Stigant C. (2025). A Roadmap for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Kidney Care: A Scoping Review and Content Analysis. JASN 
  8. Romagnani P, Agarwal R, Chan J CN, Levin A (2025).Chronic kidney disease. Nature Reviews 
  9. Pietrobon A, Elliott M (2025). Chronic Benign Tubular Albuminuria From Compound Heterozygous Variants in CUBN: A Case Report. CJKHD
  10. Siddiqi T J, Cherney D, Siddiqui H F, Jafar T H, Khan J, Levin A, et al. (2025). Effects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors on Kidney Outcomes across Baseline Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Conditions. CJASN 26(2):242-255
  11. Brum I S C, Cardozo L F M F, Alvarenga L, Kemp J A, Baptista B G, Britto I K, Borges N A, Renouf D, Wong M MY, et al.  (2025). Fad diets for non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients: Can “the miracle diet” be a threat? Nutrition 
  12. Elliot M D, Gharaavi A G, et al. (2025). Increased risk of kidney failure in patients with genetic kidney disorders. Journal of Clinical Investigation 134(17):e178573
  13. Verdin N, Black A, Stigant C. (2025). Environmental Sustainability Is Needed in Kidney Care: Patient, Donor, and Provider Perspectives Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2025;12. doi:10.1177/20543581241308642

  1. Kadatz M, Klarenbach S, So H, Fervenza F C, Cattran D C, Barbour S J and MENTOR Study Investigators. (2024). Rituximab or cyclosporine A for the treatment of membranous nephropathy: economic evaluation of the MENTOR trial.  NDT 2024 Dec; 39: 2058-2066
  2. Ethier I, Sandal S, Tarakji A R, Finkle S N, Kahlon B, Pederson K, Samanta R, Stigant C. (2024). Climate Change and Environmentally Sustainable Kidney Care in Canada: A Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey of Kidney Care Providers  CJKHD 2024 October
  3. Wang C, Naylor K L, McArthur E, Sontrop J M, Roshanov P, Lam N N, McDonald S D, Lentine K L, King J, Youngson E, Beyene J, Hendren E, Garg A X. (2024). Pregnancy Outcomes in Living Kidney Donors: Protocol of a Population-Based Cohort Study in Three Canadian Provinces. CJKHD 2024 October
  4. Elliott M D, Vena N, Marasa M, et al. (2024). Increased risk of kidney failure in patients with genetic kidneydisorders. J Clin Invest 2024;134)17):e178573
  5. Okpechi I G, Tummalapalli S L, Levin A, et al. (2024). A global assessment of kidney care workforce. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2024; 39:ii43-ii48
  6. Ting R, Borkum M, Ni L T, Levin A. (2024). Patient screening and assessment for home dialysis therapies: A scoping review. Peritoneal Dialysis International 2024 August
  7. Poinen K, Mitra S, Quinn R R. (2024). The integrated care model: facilitating initiation of or transition to home dialysis. CKJ 2024
  8. Cardoza K, Kang A, Yi T W, Levin A, et al. (2024). Geographic and racial variability in kidney, cardiovascular and safety outcomes with canagliflozin: A secondary analysis of the CREDENCE randomized trial in Diabetes. Obesity and Metabolism. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 
  9. Cheng X B J and Bargman J. (2024). Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis – Part 1. CJASN 2024 June; 19(6):784-790
  10. Cheng X B J and Bargman J. (2024). Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis – Part 2. CJASN 2024 June; 19(6):p.791-799
  11. Chertow G M,Chang AM, Felker G M, Levin, A, et al. (2024). IL-6 inhibition with clazakizumab in patients receiving maintenance dialysis: a randomized phase 2b trial. Nature Medicine 2024 May; 30, 2328-2336
  12. Aiyegbusi I, Gradin S, Rajmohan Y, Zhu B, Romann A, Chiu H, Gill J, Johnston O, Bevilacqua B. (2024). Opportunities for Improving the Transplant Assessment and Education Process in British Columbia: Patient and Health Care Provider Perspective. CJKHD 2024 May
  13. Affdal A, Issa M, Ballesteros F, Malo MF, Thind G, Lan H H. (2024). Kidney transplant candidates’ perspectives on theimplementation of a CanadianWillingness to Cross program: A strategy to increase access to kidney transplantation for highly sensitized patients. Clinical Transplantation 
  14. Zoccali C, Mallamaci F, Lightstone L, Jha V, Pollock C, Tuttle K, Kotano P, Levin A, et al. (2024). A new era in the science and care of kidney diseases. Nature Reviews Nephrology 
  15. Renouf D, Wong M MY. (2024). From Prophecy to Plate: How to Actualize a Planetary Menu for Kidney Disease Nutrition. CJKHD
  16. Vendeville N, Lepage MA, Festa M C, et al. (2024). Clinical Outcomes of Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone Blockade in Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. CJC April 2024
  17. Naik H, Tran K C, Staples J A, Perlis R H, Levin A.  (2024).Psychiatric Symptoms, Treatment Uptake, and Barriers to Mental Health Care Among US Adults With Post–COVID-19 Condition. JAMA. 2024 April; 7(4): e248481
  18. Enilama O, MacDonald C, Levin A, et al. (2024). Perceptions and Information-Seeking Behavior Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Among Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease in 2023: A Cross-Sectional Survey. CJKHD 2024
  19. Karam S, Amouzegar A, Alshamsi I R, Levin A, et al. 2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure inthe International Society of Nephrology Middle East region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1): 57-70
  20. Calice-Silva V, Neyra J A, Fuentes A F, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure inthe International Society of Nephrology Latin America region: report from the 2023 ISN GlobalKidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1): 43-56
  21. Tran J, Alrajhi I, Chang D, Sherwood K R, Keown P, Gill Jag, Kadatz M, Gill John, Lan J H. Clinical relevance of HLA-DQ eplet mismatch and maintenance immunosuppression with risk of allosensitization after kidney transplant failure. Frontiers in Genetics 2024
  22. Zoccali C, Mallamaci F, Lightstone L, Levin A, et al. (2024). A new era in the science and care of kidney diseases. Nature Reviews Nephrology 2024
  23. Tanner E J, Davidson B, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure inthe International Society of Nephrology Africa region: report from the 2023 ISN Global KidneyAtlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr;13(1)12-28
  24. Chiu H, Lee B, Bennett L, Spensley J, Dear W, Koo W, Saunders S, Freeborn G. (2024). GROWING A PROVINCIAL PATIENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT NETWORK TO OPTIMIZE KIDNEY CARE. Health Management Forum 2024
  25. Lowe-Jones R, Ethier I, Fisher LA, Wong M MY, Thompson S, Nakhoul G, Sandal S, Chanchlani R, Davison S N, Ghimire A, Jindal K, Osman M A, Riaz P, Saad S, Sozio S M, Tungsanga S, Cambier A, Arruebo S, Bello A K, Caskey F J, Damster S, Donner J, Jha V, Johnson D W, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology North America and the Caribbean region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA).Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr;13(1):83-96
  26. Prikhodina L, Komissarov K, Bulanov N, Arruebo S, Bello A K, Caskey F J, Damster S, Donner J, Jha V, Johnson D W, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure inthe International Society of Nephrology NewlyIndependent States and Russia region: report fromthe 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr;13(1)71-82
  27. Fung W WS, Park H C, Hirakawa Y, Arruebo S, Bello A K, Caskey F J, Damster S, Donner J, Jha V, Johnson D W, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure inthe International Society of Nephrology North and East Asia region: report from the 2023 ISN GlobalKidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1): 97-109
  28. Francis A, Wainstein M, Irish G, Hafidz M I A, Chen T, Cho Y, Htya H, Kanjanabuch T, Lalji R, Neuen B L, See E, Shah A, Smyth B, Tungsanga S, Viecelli A, Yeung E K, Arruebo S, Bello A K, Caskey F J, Damster S, Donner J, Jha V, Johnson D W, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Oceania and South East Asia (OSEA) region: report from the2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1):110-122
  29. Bello A K, Okpechi I G, Levin A, Johnson D W. (2024). Variations in kidney care managementand access: regional assessments of the 2023International Society of Nephrology Global KidneyHealth Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13 (1):1-5
  30. Okpechi I G, Bello A K, Levin A, Johnson D W. (2024). Update on variability in organization and structures of kidney care across world regions. Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1):6-11
  31. Wijewickrama E, Alam M R, Bajpai D, Divyaveer S, Iyengar A, Kumar V, Quayyum A, Yadav S P, Yadla M, Arruebo S, Bello A K, Casky F J, Damster S, Donner J, Jha V, Johnson D W, Levin A, et al. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology South Asia region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1):123-135
  32. Pippias M, Alfrano G, Kelly D M, Soler M J, De Chiara L, Olanrewaju T O, Arruebo S, Bello A K, Caskey F J, Damster S, Donner J, Jha V, Johnson D W, Levin A, et al. (2024).Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Western Europe region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl. 2024 Apr; 13(1):136-151
  33. Loban K, Fadel E, Nugus P, Przybylak-Brouillard A, Badenoch H, Robert JT, Begeja A, Gill J, Fortin MC, Rodriguez C, Sandal S. (2024). Living kidney donors’ health care needs, experiences, and perspectives across their entire donation trajectory: a semistructured, in-depth interview study. Kidney International 2024; 105(2): P251-258
  34. Thomas S, Kennett A, Fullerton C, Boyd H. (2024). Nephrology Nurses: Essential Professionals in Sustainable Kidney Care. CJKHD 2024
  35. Renouf D, Wong M MY. (2024). From Prophecy to Plate: How to Actualize a Planetary Menu for Kidney Disease Nutrition. CJKHD
  36. Birks P, Al-Zeer B, Holmes D, Elzayat R, Canney M, Djurdjev O, Shao T S, Zheng Y, Silver S A, Levin A. (2024). Assessing Discharge Communication and Follow-up of Acute Kidney Injury in British Columbia: A Retrospective Chart Review. CJKHD 2024
  37. Atiquzzaman M, Er L, Djurdjev O, Bevilacqua M, Elliott M, Birks P C, Wong M MY, Yi TW, Singh A, Tangri N, Levin A. (2024). Implications of Implementing the 2021 CKD-EPI Equation Without Race on Managing Patients With Kidney Disease in British Columbia, Canada. KI 2024
  38. Atiquzzaman M, Zhu B, Romann A, Er L, Djurdjev O, Bevilacqua M, Wong M MY, Birks P, Yi TW, Singh A, Tangri N, Levin A. (2024). Kidney Failure Risk Equation in vascular access planning: a population-based study supporting value in decision making. CKJ 2024 February; 17(2)
  39. Bello A K, Okpechi I G, Levin A, et al. (2024). An update on the global disparities in kidney disease burdgen and care across world countries and regions. Lancet Glob Health 2024 March;12(3):e382-395
  40. Ghimire A, Shah S, Okpechi I G, Ye F, Tungsanga S, Vachharajani T, Levin A, et al. (2024). Global variability of vascular and peritoneal access for chronic dialysis. Nephrology 2024 March; 29(3):135-142
  41. Borkum M, Levin A, Ficocelli J, Wone L, Kiaii M. (2024). A Current State of the Art and Science of Exercise in Dialysis: A Narrative Review. CJKHD 2024
  42. Wong M M Y, Zheng Y, Zhu B, Er L, Atiquzzaman M, Romann A, Renouf D, Sheriff Z, Levin A (2024). Oral Nutritional Supplement Prescription and Patient-Reported Symptom Burden Among Patients With Late-Stage Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease. CJKHD 2024
  43. Lan, J H (2024). Assessment of Novel Therapeutics to Improve Access to Transplantation for Highly Sensitized Patients in a Shifting Clinical Landscape. JASN February 2024
  44. Sharma A, Razaghizad A, Joury  A, Levin A, Bajaj H S, Mancini GB J, Wong N C, Slee A, Ang F G, Rapattoni W, Neuen B L, Arnott C, Perkovic V, Mahaffey K W. (2024). Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular and Kidney Prevention With Canagliflozin: Insights From the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE Trial. JAHA
  45. Enilama O, Yau K, Er L, Atiquzzaman M, Oliver M J, Romney M G, Leis J A, Abe K T, Qi F, Colwill K, Gingras AC, Hladunewich M A, Levin A. (2024). Humoral Response Following 3 Doses of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients With Non-Dialysis-Dependent CKD: An Observational Study. CJKHD 2024
  46. Gage B, Shalansky K, Lau W, Harris C, Kiaii M. (2024). Comparison of Tetrasodium EDTA 4% with Sodium Citrate 4% as Line-Locking Solutions at 2 Tertiary Hemodialysis Centres. CJHP 2024
  47. Levin A. (2024). Overcoming barriers to deliver high quality kidney care. Nature Reviews Nephrology
  48. Cheng X B J, Bargman J. Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis Part II Nonmechanical Complications. CJASN
  49. Cheng X B J and Chan C T. (2024). Systems Innovations to Increase Home Dialysis Utilization. CJASN 2024 January; 19(1):108-114
  50. Atiquzzaman M, Zhu B, Romann A, Er L, Djurdjev O, Bevilacqua M, Wong M, Birks P, Yi T W, Singh A, Tangri N, Levin A. (2024). Kidney Failure Risk Equation in vascular access planning: a population-based study supporting value in decision making. Clinical Kidney Journal Janaury 2024
  1. The EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group. Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial. Lancet Diabetes Endrocrinol 
  2. The EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group. Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidneydisease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the
    EMPA-KIDNEY trial. Lancet Diabetes Endrocrinol 
  3. Wijewickrama E, Behera S, Garcia P, Avila-Casado C, Caplin B, Paolo V S, Courville K, Friedman D, Madero M, Jha V, Kambham N, Levin A, Anand S on behalf of ISN i3C Worksing Group. Kidney biopsies among persons living in hotspots of CKDu: A position statement from the International Society of Nephrology’s Consortium of Collaborators on CKDu. Kidney International 2023
  4. Yi T W, O'Hara  D V, Smyth B, Jardine M J, Levin A, Morton R L. (2023). Identifying Barriers and Facilitators for Increasing Uptake of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors in British Columbia, Canada, using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. CJKHD
  5. Bevilacqua M, Melnyk Y, Chiu H, Williams J, Watson P, Lee B, Dhariwal P, McGuire M, Wei J, Chohan R, Logie A, Fryer M, Stoll D, Levin A. (2023). Patient and Clinician Experiences With the Combination of Virtual and In-Person Chronic Kidney Disease Care Since the COVID-19 Pandemic. CJKHD December 2023
  6. Woods C, Settee C, Beaucage M, Robinson-Settee H, Desjarlais A, Adams E, Turner C, King M, Pokiak L, Wilson M, Voyageur E, Large C, McGavock J, Kappel J, Chiu H, Beardy T, Flett I, Scholey J, Harris H, Jones J,  Nahanee L M &  Nahanee D on behalf of the Can-SOLVE CKD Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement, Research Council (IPERC). (2023). Ensuring Indigenous co-leadership in health research: a Can-SOLVE CKD case example. International Journal for Equity in Health. November 2023
  7. Reich H N, Barbour S J. (2023). PROTECTing the kidneys in IgA nephropathy. Lancet November 2023
  8. Nugent J P, Bissonnette ML Z, Gibney B, Farah M, Harris A C. (2023). Nontargeted Native Renal Biopsy Adequacy: Preintervention Data From a Province-Wide, Multicentre, and Interdepartmental Audit. CJKHD October 2023
  9. Sharma A, Marques P, Neuen B, Fletcher R A, Slee A, Rapattoni W, Ang F G, Arnott C, Levin A, Verma S, Perkovic V, Mahaffey K W. (2023). Timing of statistical benefit of canagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes for cardiovascular and heart failure outcomes: Insights from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
  10. Writing Group for the CKD Prognosis Consortium. (2023). Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, Albuminuria, and Adverse Outcomes: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-Analysis. JAMA October 2023
  11. Yau K, Tam P, Chan C T, Hu Q, Qi F, Abe K T, Kurtesi A, Jiang Y, Estrada-Codecido J, Brown T, Liu L, Siwakoti A, Leis J A, Levin A, Oliver M J, Colwill K, Gingras AC, Hladunewich M A. (2023). BNT162b2 versus mRNA-1273 Third Dose COVID-19 Vaccine in Patients with CKD and Maintenance Dialysis Patients. CJASN October 2023
  12. Chiu A W, Bredenkamp N. (2024). Sparsentan: A First-in-Class Dual Endothelin and Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2023
  13. Chiu M, Berall L, Ethier I, Harris C, More K, Nadeau-Fredette AC, Tennankore K, Hingwala J. (2023). Variability in Reporting eGFR at Dialysis Initiation in Canada: A Research Letter. CJKHD September 2023
  14. Giles C, Novakovic M, Hopman W, Barreto E F, Beaubien-Souligny W, Birks P, Neyra J A, Wald R, Silver S A. (2023). The Quality of Discharge Summaries After Acute Kidney Injury.  CJKHD September 2023
  15. Naik H, Malbeuf M, Shao S, Wong A W, Tran K C, Russell J A, Lavallee D, Carlsten C, Ryerson C J, Levin A. (2023). A Learning Health System for Long Covid Care and Research in British Columbia. NEJM Catal Innov Care Deliv August 2023
  16. Naipaul R, Marques C, Ng J, Barbour S, Lo C, Hildebrand A M, Siu V, Prasad B, Laurin LP, Wazny L D, Armstrong S, Tran J, Sheffield M, Jauhal A, Hladunewich M A. (2023). Focused Jurisdictional Scan of Glomerulonephritis Medication Access in Canada: A Program Report. CJKHD August 2023
  17. Mafra D, Kemp J A, Borges N A, Wong M, Stenvinkel P. (2023). Gut Microbiota Interventions to Retain ResidualKidney Function. Toxins August 2023
  18. Stigant CE, Barraclough KA, Harber M, Kanagasundaram NS, Malik C, Jha V, Vanholder RC. Our shared responsibility: the urgent necessity of global environmentally sustainable kidney care. Kidney International. 2023 Jul 1;104(1):12-5.
  19. Getchell L E, Reich M, Allu S, Woods C, Atkinson T, Beaucage M, Stalker L, Sparkes D, Turner C, L'Esperance A, Burns K, Elliott M J, Chiu H, Rosenblum N D, Sapir-Pichhadze R. (2023). Storytelling for impact: the creation of a storytelling program for patient partners in research. Research Involvement and Engagement July 2023
  20. Atiquzzaman M, Thompson J R, Shao S, Djurdjev O, Bevilacqua M, Wong M MY, Leivn A, Birks P C. (2023). Long-term effect of COVID-19 infection on kidney function among COVID-19 patients followed in post-COVID recovery clinics in British Columbia, Canada. Nephrol Dial Transplant June 2023
  21. Atiquzzaman M, Zheng Y, Er L, Djurdjev O, Singer J, Krajden M, Balamchi S, Thomas D, Hladunewich, Oliver M J, Levin A. (2023). COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Among Patients With Maintenance Dialysis; Observations From Population Level Cohort Studies in 2 Large Canadian Provinces. CJKHD June 2023
  22. Roohi E, Lo Cliff, Martinusen D, Levin A (2023). Structure and Function of a Provincial Renal Pharmacy Program: Applying the Chronic Care Model to Address Equitable Access to Medication and Pharmacy Services. CJKHD June 2023
  23. Sridhar V S, Neuen B L, Fletcher R A, Slee A, Ang F G, Rapattoni W, Arnott C, Cherney D Z, Perkovic V, Wheeler D C, Levin A (2023). Kidney protection with canagliflozin: A combined analysis of the randomized CANVAS program and CREDENCE trials. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism May 2023
  24. Stigant C E, Rajan T, Barraclough K A, Miller F A. (2023). The Necessity of Environmentally Sustainable Kidney Care. CJKHD 2023
  25. Shi R, Marin J G, Beaulieu M. (2023). Skin Staining Following Intravenous Iron Extravasation in a Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case Report. CJKHD 2023
  26. Xie M W, Kennan S P,  Slaunwhite A, Rose C. (2023). Observational Study Examining Kidney Transplantation Outcomes Following Donation From Individuals That Died of Drug Toxicity in British Columbia, Canada. CJKHD 2023
  27. Levin A,  Okpechi I G, Caskey F J, Yang C, Tonell M, Jha V. (2023).  Perspectives on early detection ofchronic kidney disease: the facts, the questions, and a proposed framework for 2023 and beyond. Kidney International May 2023
  28. Ghaddar M, Barratt J, Barbour S J (2023). An update on corticosteroid treatment for IgA nephropathy. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension. 32(3): 263-270, May 2023
  29. Kadatz M, Gill J, Gill J, Lan J, McMichael L, Chang Doris, Gill, J S. (2023). The Benefits of Preemptive Transplantation Using High–Kidney Donor Profile Index Kidneys. CJASN April 2023
  30. Odutayo A, Levin A (2023). Relative and Absolute Risks of Adverse Events with Real-World Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors in CKD. CJASN April 2023
  31. Yau K, Enilama O, Levin A, Romney M G, Singer J, Blake P, Perl J, Leis J A, Kozak R, et al. (2023). Determining the Longitudinal Serologic Response to COVID-19 Vaccination in the Chronic Kidney Disease Population: A Clinical Research Protocol. CJKHD 2023
  32. Yi T W, Wong  M MY, Neuen, BL, Arnott C, Poirier P, Seufert J, Slee A, Rapattoni W, Ang F G, Wheeler D C, Mahaffey K W, Perkovic V, Levin A. (2023). Effects of canagliflozin on cardiovascular and kidney events in
    patients with chronic kidney disease with and without
    peripheral arterial disease: Integrated analysis from the
    CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial
    . Diabetes Obes Metab March 2023.
  33. Saleem S, Rajan T, MacNeill A, Stigant C, Hewage K, Sadiq R, Levin A, Nguan C.(2024). WCN23-0315 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF KIDNEY REPLACEMENT THERAPIES: KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION VERSUS DIALYSIS. Kidney International Reports. 2023 Mar 1;8(3):S287
  34. Saleem S, Rajan T, Macneill A, Stigant C, Copland M, Hewage K, Sadiq R, Nguan C. # 3286 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF HEMODIALYSIS THROUGH LIFECYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA): IN-CENTRE HEMODIALYSIS VS HOME-HEMODIALYSIS. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2023 Jun; 38(Supplement_1):gfad063c_3286
  35. Gill J, Clark S, Gill G, Gill J, Richardson C (2023). A Survey Study to Examine Willingness to Travel for Transplantation and Consider Commercial Transplantation Among a Multiethnic Cohort of Canadians. Kidney International Reports February 2023
  36. Wilson TA, Hazlewood GS, Sajobi TT, Wilton SB, Pearson WE, Connolly C, Javaheri PA, Finlay JL, Levin A, Graham MM, Tonelli M, James MT. Preferences of patients with chronic kidney disease for invasive versus conservative treatment of acute coronary syndrome: A discrete choice experiment. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023:e028492
  37. Ting J A, Barbir E, McRae S, Schachter M, De Luca L, Riazy M, Levin A. (2023). Double-Positive Anti–Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody and Myeloperoxidase Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody–Associated Glomerulonephritis Post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: A Case Series of 4 Patients. CJKHD February 2023
  38. Borkum M, Levin A, Williams J, Bevilacqua M U. (2023). The Patient-Provider Gap: A Cross-sectional Survey to Understand Barriers and Motivating Factors for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in a CKD Cohort. CJKHD February 2023
  39. Wong, S N, Turnbull L, Saunders S, Er L, Bevilacqua M U, Levin A, Singh R S. (2023). Evaluation and outcomes of a 5-year assisted peritoneal dialysis program. Peritoneal Dialysis International February 2023
  40. Cho T H, Ng P C.K., Lefebvre M J, Desjarlais A, McCann D, Waldvogel B, Tonelli M, Garg A X, Wilson J, Beaulieu M,  Marin J, Orsulak C, Talson M, Sharma M, Feldberg J, Bohm C, Battistella. (2023). Development and Validation of Patient Education Tools for Deprescribing in Patients on Hemodialysis. CJKHD January 2023
  1. ‎Wilson G J, Van K, O'Lone E, Tong A, Craig J C, Sautenet B, Budde K, Forfang D, Gill J, Herrington W G, Jafar T H, Johnson D W, Krane V, Levin A, Malyszko J, Rossignol P, Sawinski D, Scholes-Robertons N, Strippoli G, Wang A, Winkelmayer W C, Hawley C M, Viecelli A K. (2022). Range and Consistency of Cardiovascular Outcomes Reported by Clinical Trials in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review. Transplant Direct. December 2022 
  2. Naik H, Shao S, Tran K C, Wong A W, Russell J A, Khor E, Nacul L, McKay R J, Carlsten C, Ryerson C J, Levin A. (2022). Evaluating fatigue in patients recovering from COVID-19: validation of the fatigue severity scale and single item screening questions. Health Qual Life Outcomes. December 2022 
  3. Canney M, Atiquzzaman M, Cunningham A M, Zheng Y, Er L, Hawken S, Zhao Y and Barbour S J. (2022). A Population-Based Analysis of the Risk of Glomerular Disease Relapse after COVID-19 Vaccination. JASN December 2022
  4. Won T W , Atiquzzaman M , Zheng Y, Smyth B, Jardine M, Levin A. (2022). Findings of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitor Kidney Outcome Trials Applied to a Canadian Chronic Kidney Disease Population: A Retrospective Cohort Study.  CJKHD November 2022; 9:1-11
  5. Rao N, Rajan T, Stigant C. (2022). Quantification of Recyclable Peritoneal Dialysis Plastics in a Home Dialysis Program–An Opportunity for Resource Stewardship. Kidney International Reports November 2022
  6. Fowler E A, Bell K, Burns K, Chiazzese A, DeSerres S A, Foster B J, Hartwig S, Herrington G, James M T, Jensen V, Jones N, Kidston S, Lemay S, Levin A, MacPhee A, McCutcheon S, Ravani P, Samuel S, Scholey J, Takano T, Tangri N, Verdin N, Alexander R T, Clase C M. (2022) Involving Patient Partners in the KRESCENT Peer Review: Intent, Process, Challenges, and Opportunities. Can J Kidney Health Dis. November 2022
  7. The EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group. (2022).  Empagliflozin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.  New England Journal of Medicine November 2022.
  8. Cau A. (2022). Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors: A new era of kidney care.  BCMJ 2022; 64(9):390-393
  9. Sarraju A, Bakris G, Cannon CP, Cherney D, Damaraju CV, Figtree GA, Gogate J, Greene T, Heerspink HJL, Januzzi JL Jr, Neal B, Jardine MJ, Blais J, Kosiborod M, Levin A, Lingvay I, Weir MR, Perkovic V, Mahaffey KW. (2022). Cardiovascular Effects of Canagliflozin in Relation to Renal Function and Albuminuria. J Am Coll Cardiol. November 2022 
  10. Inker L A, Grams M E, Guðmundsdóttir H, McEwan P, Friedman R, Thompson A, Weiner D E, Willis K, Heerspink H J L; NKF-FDA Conference on Clinical Trial Considerations in Developing Treatments for Early Stages of Common, Chronic Kidney Diseases Advisory Group. (2022). Clinical Trial Considerations in Developing Treatments for Early Stages of Common, Chronic Kidney Diseases: A Scientific Workshop Cosponsored by the National Kidney Foundation and the US Food and Drug Administration. Am J Kidney Dis. October 2022
  11. Jun M, Scaria A, Andrade J, Badve S V, Birks P, Bota S E, Campain A, Djurdjev O, Garg A X, Ha J, Harel Z, Hemmelgarn B, Hockham C, James M T, Jardine M J, Levin A, McArthur E, Ravani P, Shao S, Sood M M, Tan Z, Tangri N, Whitlock R, Gallagher M. (2022). Kidney function and the comparative effectiveness and safety of direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin in adults with atrial fibrillation: a multicenter observational study. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. October 2022
  12. Borkum M, & Levin A. (2022). The Why and How of SGLT2 Inhibitors in CKD: A Practical Approach. Can Journ Gen Int Med. October 2022
  13. Bevilacqua M, Hague C J, Romann A, Levin A. (2022). Accuracy, Reproducibility and User Experience With Standardized Instructions for Measurement of Total Kidney Volume in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Can Assoc Radiol J. September 2022. 
  14. Atiquzzaman M, Zheng Y, Er L, Djurdjev O, Singer J, Krajden M, Balamchi S, Thomas D, Oliver M J, Levin A. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in patients with non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney diseases; findings from a population based observational study from British Columbia, Canada. Kidney International September 2022
  15. Grams M E, Brunskill N J, Ballew S H, Sang Y, Coresh J, Matsushita K, Surapaneni A, Bell S, Carrero J J, Chodick G, Evans M, Heerspink H J L, Inker L A, Iseki K, Kalra P A, Kirchner H L, Lee B J, Levin A, Major R W, Medcalf J, Nadkarni G N, Naimark D M J, Ricardo A C, Sawhney S, Sood M M, Staplin N, Stempniewicz N, Stengel B, Sumida K, Traynor J P, Van den Brand J, Wen C P, Woodward M, Yang J W, Wang A Y, Tangri N. (2022). CKD Prognosis Consortium. Development and Validation of Prediction Models of Adverse Kidney Outcomes in the Population With and Without Diabetes. Diabetes Care. September 2022 
  16. Francis A, Hafidz M I A, Ekrikpo U E, Chen T, Wijewickrama E,
    Tannor E K, Nakhoul G, Wong M MY, Pereira-Kamath N, Chanchlani R, Kalyesubula R, Karam S, Kumar V,  Calice-Silva V and Jha V (2022). Barriers to accessing essential medicines for kidney disease in low- and lower middle–income countries. Kidney International August 2022
  17. Rajan T, Amin S O, David K, Finkle N, Glick N, Kahlon B, Martinusen D, Pederson K, Samanta R, Tarakji A, Stigant C on behalf of the CSN Sustainable Nephrology Action Planning Commmittee. (2022). Redesigning Kidney Care for the Anthropocene: A New Framework for Planetary Health in Nephrology. CJKHD August 2022; 9:1-6
  18. Bevilacqua M, Hague C, Romann A, Levin A. (2022). Accuracy, Reproducibility and User Experience With Standardized Instructions for Measurement of Total Kidney Volume in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal September 2022; 0(0):1-9
  19. Tong A, Scholes-Robertson N, Hawley C, Viecelli A K, Carter S A, Levin A, Hemmelgarn B R, Harris T, Craig J C. (2022). Patient-centred clinical trial design. Nat Rev Nephrol. Aug 2022
  20. Stigant C. (2022). Sustainable Nephrology Action Planning(“SNAP”)—A New Committee of the Canadian Society of Nephrology. CJKHD July 2022; 9: 1-2
  21. Bajaj S, Gershony S, Afshar K, Blydt-Hansen T D. (2022). Clinical indicators of slow graft function and outcome after pediatric kidney transplantation.  Pediatric Transplant July 2022
  22. Liao J, Kang A, Xia C, Young T, Di Tanna G L, Arnott C, Pollock C, Krishnan AV, Agarwal R, Bakris G, Charytan D M, de Zeeuw D, Heerspink H J L, Levin A, Neal B, Wheeler D C, Zhang H, Zinman B, Mahaffey K W, Perkovic V, Jardine M J, Smyth B. (2022). The impact of canagliflozin on the risk of neuropathy events: A post-hoc exploratory analysis of the CREDENCE trial. Diabetes Metab. July 2022
  23. Bevilacqua M, Chiu H, Melnyk Y, Williams J, Chohan R, Wei J, Stoll D, Fryer M, McGuire M, Logie A, Watson P, Levin A. (2022).  Protocol for a Multistage Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Chronic Kidney Disease Care Quality Following Integration of Virtual and In-Person Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic. CJKHD June 2022; 9: 1-8
  24. Canney M, Gunning H M, Zheng Y, Rose C, Jauhal A, Hur S A, Sahota A, Reich H N, Barbour S J. (2022). The Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Individuals With Primary Glomerular Diseases. AJKD June 2022.
  25. Tuttle K R, Levin A, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T, Agarwal R, Hauske S J, Elsäßer A, Ritter I, Steubl D, Wanner C, Wheeler D C. (2022). Safety of Empagliflozin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: Pooled Analysis of Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials. Diabetes Care. June 2022
  26. EMPA-KIDNEY Collaborative Group. (2022) Design, recruitment, and baseline characteristics of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial. Nephrol Dial Transplant. June 2022
  27. Young T K, Toussaint N D, Di Tanna G L, Arnott C, Hockham C, Kang A, Schutte A E, Perkovic V, Mahaffey K W, Agarwal R, Bakris G L, Charytan D M, Heerspink H J L, Levin A, Pollock C, Wheeler D C, Zhang H, Jardine M J. Risk Factors for Fracture in Patients with Coexisting Chronic Kidney Disease and Type 2 Diabetes: An Observational Analysis from the CREDENCE Trial. J Diabetes Res. 2022 May
  28. Clase C M, Dicks E, Holden R, Sood M M, Levin A, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Moore L W, Bartlett S J, Bello A K, Bohm C, Bridgewater D, Bouchard J, Burger D, Carrero J J,  Donald M, Elliott M, Goldenberg M J, Jardine M, Lam N N, Maddigan W J, Madore F, Mavrakanas T A, Molnar A O, Prasad G V R, Rigatto C, Tennankore K K, Torban E, Trainor L, White C A, Hartwig S. (2022). Can Peer Review Be Kinder? Supportive Peer Review: A Re-Commitment to Kindness and a Call to Action. CJKHD May 2022
  29. Borkum M, Jamal A, Singh R S,  Levin A. (2022). The rationale for the need to study sodium-glucose co-transport 2 inhibitor usage in peritoneal dialysis patients. Peritoneal Dialysis International May 2022
  30. Lv J, GeotWong M, Hladunewich MA, Jha V, Hooi LS, Monaghan H, Zhao M, Sean Barbour S, Jardine M J, Reich H N, Cattran D, Glassock R, Levin A, Wheeler DC, Woodward M, Billot L, Stepien S, Rogers K, Chan T M, Liu Z, Johnson D W, Cass A, Feehally J, Floege J, Remuzzi G , Wu Y,  Agarwal R, Zhang H, Perkovic V,  for the TESTING Study Group. (2022). Effect of Oral Methylprednisolone on Decline in Kidney Function or Kidney Failure in Patients With IgA Nephropathy: The TESTING Randomized Clinical Trial.  JAMA May 2022
  31. Rathgeber S L, Hutchison S M, De Souza AM, Lester R, Blydt-Hansen T, Human D G, Guttman  O, Oberlander T F, Armstrong K R. (2022). A text messaging intervention and quality of life in adolescents with solid organ transplants. Pediatric Transplantation May 2022
  32. Vlasschaert C, McNaughton A J M, Chong M, Cook E K, Hopman W, Kestenbaum B, Robinson-Cohen C, Garland J, Moran S M, Paré G, Clase C M, Tang M, Levin A, Holden R, Rauh M, Lanktree M B. (2022). Association of Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential with Worse Kidney Function and Anemia in Two Cohorts of Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. JASN May 2022
  33. Barbour S J, Coppo R, Zhang H, Liu ZH, Suzuki Y, Matsuzaki K, Er L, Reich H N, Barratt J, Cattran D C. (2022). Application of the International IgA Nephropathy Prediction Tool one or two years post-biopsy. Kidney International; 102(1): 160-172
  34. Okpechi I G, Caskey F J, Gaipov A, Tannor E K, Noubiap J J, Effa E, Ekrikpo U E, Hamonic L N, Ashuntantang G, Bello A K, Donner J A, Figueiredo A E, Inagi R, Madero M, Malik C, Moorthy M, Pecoits-Filho R, Tesar V, Levin A, Jha V. (2022) Early Identification of CKD-A Scoping Review of the Global Populations. Kidney Int Rep. April 2022
  35. Zhong E, Ghadiri S, Pai A, Marin J G, Barbour S J. (2022). Rituximab for Adults With Multi-Drug Resistant Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease April 2022
  36. Hildebrand A M, Barua M, Barbour S J, Tennankore K K, Cattran D C, Takano T, Lam P, De Serres S A, Samanta R, Hladunewich M A, Fairhead T, Poyah P, Bush D D, MacLaren B, Sparkes D, Boll P, Jauhal A, John R, Avila-Casado C, Reich H N.(2022). The Canadian Glomerulonephritis Registry (CGNR) and Translational Research Initiative: Rationale and Clinical Research Protocol. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease April 2022
  37. Okpechi I G, Muneer S, Ye F, Zaidi D, Ghimire A, Tinwala M M, Saad S, Osman M A, Lunyera J, Tonelli M, Caskey F, George C, Kengne A P, Malik C, Damster S, Levin A, Johnson D, Jha V, Bello A.K.(2022). Global eHealth capacity: secondary analysis of WHO data on eHealth and implications for kidney care delivery in low-resource settings. BMJ Open. March 2022
  38. Devarajan P, Chertow G M, Susztak K, Levin A, Agarwal R, Stenvinkel P, Chapman A B, Warady B A. (2022). Emerging Role of Clinical Genetics in CKD. Kidney Medicine February 2022
  39. Yi T.W, Levin A. (2022). Sex, Gender, and Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease. Semin Nephrol. 2022 March
  40. Oliver M J, Thomas D, Balamchi S, Ip J, Naylor K, Dixon S N, McArthur E, Kwong J, Jeffrey Perl J , Atiquzzaman M, Singer J, Yeung A, Hladunewich M,  Yau K, Garg A X,  Leis J A, Levin A, Krajden M, Blake P G. (2022). Vaccine Effectiveness Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Severe Outcomes in the Maintenance Dialysis Population in Ontario, Canada. JASN March 2022
  41. Glavinovic T,  Hingwala J, Harris C. (2022). Quality Improvement in Canadian Nephrology: Key Considerations inEnsuring Thoughtful Ethical Oversight. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2022; 9: 1–10.
  42. Bevilacqua M, Induruwage D, Williams J, Djurdjev O, Levin A. (2022). Adverse changes in key chronic kidney disease care outcome metrics since onset of the COVID-19 pandemic; experience from an established provincial renal program. Kidney International 2022
  43. Getchell L E, Fowler E,  Reich M, Allu S,  Boucher C, Burns K, Desjarlais A, L’Esperance A, Elliott M, Robinson-Settee H, Chiu H HL, Rosenblum N D, Settee C,  Murdoch A, Dew S, Green A, Franson L, Bernstein E, Sparkes D, Turner C, Fernandez N, and Sapir-Pichhadze R. (2022). Program Report: Can-SOLVE CKD Network Presents an Inclusive Method for Developing Patient-Oriented Research Tools. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2022; 9: 1–12
  44. Chandra N,  Fryer M, Nadra I, MD, Wood D A, Webb J G, Ding L, Hardiman S,  Fung A,  Aymong E, Chan A, Hodge S, Horgan K, Levin A, Robinson S D, Siega A D, Iqbal M B. (2022). The Impact of Pre-Procedural Renal Impairment on Outcomes Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: An Analysis of 45,287 Patients From the British Columbia Cardiac Registry. Heart, Lung, and Circulation 2022
  45. Charytan D, Yu J, Jardine M, Cannon C, Agarwal R, Bakris G, Greene T, Levin A, Pollock C, Powe N, Arnott C and Mahaffey K. (2022). Potential Effects of Elimination of the Black Race Coefficient in eGFR Calculations in the CREDENCE Trial. CJASN 2022
  46. Wong M M.Y., Zheng Y, Renouf D, Sheriff Z, Levin A. (2021). Trajectories of Nutritional Parameters Before and After Prescribed Oral Nutritional Supplements: A longitudinal Cohort Study of Patients With Chronic Kidney Diseases Not Requiring Dialysis. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2022
  47. Heerspink H L, Jardine M, Kohan D, Lafayette R, Levin A, Liew A, Zhang H, Glicklich A, Camargo M, King A, Barratt A. (2022) POS-527 A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Atrasentan in Patients with IgA Nephropathy (The ALIGN Study)
  48. Wang A YM, Okpechi I G, Ye F, Kovesdy C P, Brunori G, Burrowes J D, Campbell K, Damster S, Fouque D, Friedman A N, Garibotto G, Guebre-Egziabher F, Harris D, Iseki K, Jha V, Jindal K, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kistler B, Kopple J D, Kuhlmann M, Lunney M, Mafra D, Malik C, Moore L W, Price R, Steiber A, Wanne C, ter Wee P, Levin A, Johnson D W, Bello A K. (2022). Assessing Global Kidney Nutrition Care. CJASN January 2022
  1. Wong M M.Y., Renouf D, Zheng Y, Sheriff Z, Levin A. (2021). Nutritional Status, Nutritional Phenotypes, and Oral Nutritional Supplement Prescription Patterns Among Patients With Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease in British Columbia. Journal of Nutrition December 2021
  2. Ting J A, Hung W, McRae S A, Barbour S J, Copland M, Riazy M. (2021). Podocyte Infolding Glomerulopathy, First Case Report From North America. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease October 2021
  3. Rampersad C, Alexander T, Fowler E, Hartwig S, Levin A, Rosenblum N D, Samuel S, Wiebe C, Ho J. (2021). Training Programs for Fundamental and Clinician-Scientists: Balanced Outcomes for Graduates by Gender. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease September 2021
  4. Bevilacqua M, Gradin S, Williams J, Romann A, Lo C, Djurdjev O, Levin A. (2021). The BC ADPKD Network: A Comprehensive Provincial Approach to Support Specialized and Locally Delivered Multidisciplinary ADPKD Care. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2021
  5. Cuvelier S, Van Caeseele P, Kadatz M, Peterson K, Sun S, Dodd N, Werestiuk K, Koulack J, Nickerson P, Ho J. (2021). Expanding the Deceased Donor Pool in Manitoba Using Hepatitis C-Viremic Donors: Program Report. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2021
  6. Murdoch A, Tennankore K K, Bohm C, Clase C M, Levin A, Vorster H, Suri R S. (2021). Re-Envisioning the Canadian Nephrology Trials Network: A Can-SOLVE-CKD Stakeholder Meeting of Patient Partners and Researchers.Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2021
  7. Lameire N, Levin A, Kellum J A, Cheung M, Jadoul M, Winkelmayer W C, Stevens P E for Conference Participants. (2021). Harmonizing Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease Definition and Classification: report of a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Consensus Conference. Kidney International July 2021
  8. Yeung E, Bello AK, Levin A, Lunney M, Osman MO, Ye F, Ashuntantang GE, Bellorin-Font E, Gharbi MB, Davison S, Ghnaimat M, Harden P, Jha V, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kerr PG, Klarenbach S, Kovesdy CP, Luyckx V, Neuen B, O’Donaghue D, Ossareh S, Perl J, Rashid HU, Rondeau E, See E, Saad S, Sola L, Tchokhonelidze I, Tesar V, Tungsanga K, Kazancioglu RT, Wang AYM, Wiebe N, Yang CW, Zemchenkov A, Zhao MH, Jager KJ, Caskey F, Perkovic V, Jindal KK, Okpechi IG, Tonelli M, Feehally J, Harris DC, Johnson DW. Current status of health systems financing and oversight for end-stage kidney disease care: a cross sectional global survey. BMJ Open. (In press; Acceptance date 8 June 2021)
  9. Stenvinkel P, Chertow G M, Devarajan P, Levin A, Andreoli S P, Bangalore S and Warady B A. (2021). Chronic Inflammation in Chronic Kidney Disease Progression: Role of Nrf2. Kidney International Reports. May 2021
  10. Babitt J L, Eisenga M F, Haase V H, Kshirsagar A V, Levin A, Locatelli F, Małyszko J, Swinkels D W, Tarng D, Cheung M, Jadoul M, Winkelmayer W C and Dru¨ T B; for Conference Participants17. (2021). Controversies in optimal anemia management: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Conference. Kidney International; 99, 1280–1295
  11. Robinson-Settee H, Settee C, King M, Beaucage M, Smith M, Desjarlais A, Chiu H HL, Turner C, Kappel J, McGavock J M. (2021). Wabishki Bizhiko Skaanj: a learning pathway to foster better Indigenous cultural competence in Canadian health research. Canadian Journal of Public Health May 2021
  12. Lee T, Cau A, Cheng MP, Levin A, Lee TC, Vinh DC, Lamontagne F,  Singer J, Walley KR, Murthy S, Patrick D, Rewa OG, Winstron BW, Marshall J, Boyd J, Tran K, Kalil A, McCuloh R, Fowler R, Luther JM, Russell JA on behalf of ARBs Corona. (2021). Angiotensin receptor blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in COVID-19-meta-analysis/meta-regression adjusted for confounding factors. Canadian Journal of Cardiology April 2021
  13. Levin A. (2021). Therapy for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease - New Interventions and New Questions. NEJM April 2021, 384;17:1657-1658
  14. Chiang L Y, Baumann B, Romanowski K, Kumar D, Campbell J R, Djurdjev O, Morshed M, Sekirov I, Cook V J, Levin A, and Johnston J C. (2021). Latent Tuberculosis Therapy Outcomes in DialysisPatients: A Retrospective Cohort. AJKD 2021; 77(5):696-703.
  15. Canney M and Levin A. (2021). QALYs, DALYs and Now PALYs: Strengthening the Argument forPrevention of CKD. JASN March 2021
  16. Gill J S, Formica R N, and Murphy B. (2021). Passage of the Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Transplant Patients Act—a Chance to Celebrate and Reflect. JASN March 2021
  17. Carson R C, Forzley B, Thomas S, Preto N, Hargrove G, Virani A, Antonsen J, Brown M, Copland M, Michaud M, Singh A, and Levin A. (2021). Balancing the Needs of Acute and Maintenance Dialysis Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Proposed Ethical Framework for Dialysis Allocation CJASN February 2021
  18. Lan J H, Kadatz M, Chang D T, Gill J, Gebel H M and Gill J S. (2021). Pretransplant Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody in the Absence of Donor-Specific Antibody and Kidney Allograft Survival. CJASN February 2021; 16(2):275-283
  19. Cunningham A, Hung W, Levin A, Jamal A. (2021). Adapting Nephrology Training Curriculum in the Era of COVID-19. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease February 2021
  20. Lunney M, Bello A K, Levin A, Tam-Tham H, Thomas C, Osman M A , Ye F, Bellorin-Font E, Gharbi M B, Ghnaimat M, Htay H, Cho Y, Jha V, Ossareh S, Rondeau E, Sola L, Tchokhonelidze I, Tesar V, Tungsanga K, Kazancioglu R T, Wang A Y, Yang C, Zemchenkov A, Zhao M, Jager K J, Jindal K K, Okpechi I G, Brown E A, Brown M, Tonelli M, Harris D C, Johnson D W, Caskey F J and Davison S N. (2021). Availability, Accessibility, and Quality of Conservative Kidney Management Worldwide. CJASN Jan 2021;16 (1) 79-87
  1. ‎Auray-Blais C, Lavoie P, Abaoui M, Côté A, Boutin M, Akbari A, Levin A, Mac-Way F, Tr Clarke J. (2020). High-risk screening for Fabry disease in a Canadian cohort of chronic kidney disease patients. Clin Chim Acta 2020 Feb 26;501:234-240.
  2. Banerjee D, Lowe-Jones R, Damster S, Thomas N, Scholes-Robertson N, Tong A, Levin A, ISN-ACT Patient-Engagement in Clinical Trials Group. (2020). International perspectives on patient involvement in clinical trials in nephrology. Kidney International September 1, 2020; 98(3):566-571.
  3. Bevilacqua M U, Turnbull L, Saunders S, Er L, Chiu H, Hill P, Singh R S, Levin S, Copland M A, Jamal A, Brumby C, Dunne O, Taylor P A. (2018). Evaluation of a 12-Month Pilot of Long-Term and Temporary Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis. Perit Dial Int 2017 May-Jun;37(3):307-313.
  4. Blum D, Thomas A, Harris C, Hingwala J, Beaubien-Souligny W, Silver S A. (2020). An Environmental Scan of Canadian Quality Metrics for Patients on In-Center Hemodialysis. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis December 2020.
  5. Canney M, Induruwage D, Sahota A, McCrory C, Hladunewich M A, Gill J, Barbour S. (2020). Socioeconomic Position and Incidence of Glomerular Diseases. CJASN, Feb 2020.
  6. Cannon C P, Perkovic V, Agarwal R, Baldassarre J, Bakris G, Charytan D M, De Zeeuw D, Edwards R, Greene T, Heerspink H J L, Jardine M J, Levin A, Li J, Neal B, Pollock C, Wheeler D C, Zhang H, Zinman B, Mahaffey K W. (2020). Evaluating the Effects of Canagliflozin on Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease According to Baseline HbA1c, Including Those With HbA1c <7%: Results From the CREDENCE Trial. Circulation 2020 Feb 11;141(5):407-410.
  7. Cherney D Z I, Dekkers C C J, Barbour S J, Cattran D, Gafor A H A, Greasley P J, Laverman G D, Lim S K, Di Tanna G L, Reich H N, Vervloet M G, Wong M G, Gansevoort R T, Heerspink H J L, for the DIAMOND investigators. (2020). Effects of the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin on proteinuria in non-diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease (DIAMOND): a randomised, double-blind, crossover trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 2020; 8: 582–93.
  8. Chiang L Y, Baumann B, Romanowski K, 
    Kumar D, Campbell J R, Djurdjev O, Morshed M,
    Sekirov I, Cook V J, Levin A, Johnston J C. (2020). Latent Tuberculosis Therapy Outcomes in Dialysis Patients: A Retrospective Cohort. AJKD; August 17, 2020.
  9. Chiu H HL, Murphy-Burke D M, Thomas S A, Melnyk Y,
    Kruthaup-Harper A L, Dong J, Djurdjev O, Saunders S,
    Levin A, Karim M, Hargrove G M on behalf of theBC Renal Palliative Care Committee. (2020). Advancing Palliative Care in Patients With CKD: From Ideas to Practice. AJKD 2020 November.
  10. Codd C, Martinusen D, Cardone K E, Cho K, Pai A B. (2020). Preparing for implementation of a medication reconcilation measure for dialysis: Expanding the role of pharmacy technicians. Am J health-Syst Pharm. 2020; 77:892-896.
  11. Coresh J, Gansevoort R T, Levin A, Jadoul M. (2020). Current CKD Definition Takes into Account Both Relative and Absolute Risk. J Am Soc Nephrol 2020 Feb 23;31(2):447-448.
  12. Gale J, Clark D A, Bohm C, Canney M, Davis I, LeBlanc J J, Shorter A M, Suri R S, Vinson A J, West K A, Tennankore K K. (2020). COVID-19 Status, Symptom Burden, and Characteristics of Dialysis Residing in Areas of Community Transmission: Research Letter. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Oct 14; 7:1-4. 
  13. Gill J S, Clark S, Kadatz M, Gill J. (2020). The association of pretransplant dialysis exposure with transplant failure is depedent on the state-specific rate of dialysis mortality. Am J Transplant. 
  14. Getchell L, Bernstein E, Fowler E, Franson L, Reich M, Sparkes D, Desjarlais A, Banai S, Pollock G, Lord-Fontaine S, Settee C, Robinson-Settee H, Murdoch A, Fernandez N, Sapir-Pichhadze R. (2020). Program Report: KidneyPRO, a Web-based Training Module for Patient Engagement in Kidney Research. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis December 2020.
  15. Halperin L F, Lee M K, Liew J, Lauck S, Kong D, Krahn A D, Deyell M W, Andrade J G, Hawkins N M, Chakrabarti S, Yeung-Lai-Wah A F J, Bennett M T, Cheung C, Levin A, Schwartz D I, and  Laksman Z W. (2020). Anticoagulation for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and End Stage Renal Disease on Dialysis: ANational Survey. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2020 December.
  16. Hillier D R, Tang M, Clark W, MacDonald C, Connolly C, Large C, King M, Singer J, Levin A, Manns B, Konvalinka A, Scholey J, Rosenblum N D on Behalf of the Can-SOLVE CKD Network. (2020). A Framework to Ensure Patient Have Equal and Contributing Voices Throughout the Research Program Evaluation Process. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Nov 26. 
  17. Holden R M, Mustafa R A, Alexander R T, Battistella M, Bevilacqua M U, Knoll G, Mac-Way F, Resilerova M, Wald R, Acott P D, Feltmate P, Grill A, Jindal K K, Karsanji M, Kiberd B A, Mahdavi S, McCarron K, Molnar A O, Pinsk M, Rodd C, Soroka S D, Vinson A J, Zimmerman D, Clase C M. (2020). Canadian Society of Nephrology Commentary on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Aug 4.
  18. Home Dialysis Workgroup Members:, Copland M, Hemmett J, MacRae J M, McCormick B, MCCormick M, Qirjazi E, Singh R S, Zimmerman D On Behalf of the CSN COVID-19 RRT. (2020). Canadian Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Rapid Response Team Home Dialysis Recommendations. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease.
  19. Jardine M J, Zhou Z, Mahaffey K W, Oshima M,  Agarwal R, Bakris G, Bajaj H S, Bull S, Cannon C P, Charytan D M, Zeeuw D, Di Tanna G L, Greene T, Heerspink H J L, Levin A, Neal B, Pollock C, Qiu R, Sun T, Wheeler D C, Zhang H, Zinman B, Rosenthal N, Perkovic V. (2020). Renal, Cardiovascular, and Safety Outcomes of Canagliflozin by Baseline Kidney Function: A Secondary Analysis of the CREDENCE Randomized Trial. J Am Soc Nephrol 2020 May;31(5):1128-1139.
  20. Kovesdy C P, Matsushita K, Sang Y, Brunskill N J, Carrero J J, Chodick G, Hasegawa T, Heerspink H L, Hirayama A, Landman G W D, Levin A, Nitsch D, Wheeler D C, Coresh J, Hallan S I, Shalev V, Grams M E. (2018). Serum potassium and adverse outcomes across the range of kidney function: a CKD Prognosis Consortium meta-analysis. Eur Heart J 2018 05;39(17):1535-1542.
  21. Lefebvre M J, Ng P C K, Desjarlais A, McCann D, Waldvogel B, Tonelli M, Garg A X, Wilson J, Beaulieu M, Marin J, Orsulak C, Lloyd A, McIntyre C, Feldberg J, Bohm C, Battistella M. (2020). Development and Validation of NineDeprescribing Algorithms for Patients onHemodialysis to Decrease Polypharmacy. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Oct 29; 7:1-10. 
  22. Levey A S, Gansevoort R T, Coresh J, Inker L A, Heerspink H L, Grams M E, Greene T, Tighiouart H, Matsushita K, Ballew S H, Sang Y, Vonesh E, Ying J, Manley T, De Zeeuw D, Eckardt K, Levin A, Perkovic V, Zhang L, Willis K. (2020). Change in Albuminuria and GFR as End Points for Clinical Trials in Early Stages of CKD: A Scientific Workshop Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation in Collaboration With the US Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency. Am J Kidney Dis 2020 01 28;75(1):84-104.
  23. Levey A S, Eckardt K, Nijsje M. Dorman3, Christiansen S L, Hoorn E J, Ingelfinger J R, LInker L A, Adeera Levin, et al. (2020).Nomenclature for kidney function and disease:report of a Kidney Disease: Improving GlobalOutcomes (KDIGO) Consensus Conference. Kidney International 2020 June; 97(6):1117-1129.
  24. Levin A, Agarwal R, Herrington W G, Heerspink H L, Mann J FE, Shahinfar S, Tuttle K R, Donner J, Jha V, Nangaku M, De Zeeuw D, Jardine M J, Mahaffey K W, Thompson A M, Beaucage M, Chong K, Roberts G V, Sunwold D, Vorster H, Warren M, Damster S, Malik C, Perkovic Von behalf of the participant authors of the International Society of Nephrology’s 1st International Consensus Meeting on Defining Kidney Failure in Clinical Trials. (2020). International consensus definitions of clinical trial outcomes for kidney failure: 2020. Kidney International; 98(4): 849-859.
  25. Levin A, Perkovic V, Wheeler D C, Hantel S, George J T, Von Eynatten M, Koitka-Weber A, Wanner C and on behalf of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME Investigators. (2020). Empagliflozin and cardiovascular and kidney outcomes across KDIGO risk categories. CJASN September 2020.
  26. Levin A, Sapir D, Steele A, Cherney D, Hellstrom I C, Lanktree M B, Moist L, Suri R S. (2020). Proceedings From a Canadian Nephrology Forum: Nephrology Is Back. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 September 10; 7:1-7
  27. Marin J, Beresford L, Lo C, Pai A, Espino-Hernandez G, Beaulieu M. (2020). Prescription Patterns in Dialysis Patients: Differences Between Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients and Opportunities for Deprescription. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis. May 2020.
  28. Moran S M, Barbour S, Dipchand C , Garland J S, Hladunewich M, Jauhal A, Kappel J E, Levin A, Pandeya S, Reich H N, Thanabalasingam S, Thomas D, Ma J C, White C. (2020). Management of Patients With Glomerulonephritis During the COVID19 Pandemic: Recommendations From the Canadian Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Rapid Response Team. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Nov 26.
  29. More K M, Levin A, Silver S A. (2020). A National Vision for Quality Improvement in Canadian Nephrology-The Canadian Nephrology Quality Improvement and Implementation Science Collaborative (CN-Quis): An Opinion Piece.  
    Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Nov 6.
  30. Nataatmadja M, Fung A W S, Jacobson B, Ferera J, Bernstein E, Komenda P, Mattman A, Seccombe D, Levin A. (2020). Performance of StatSensor Point-Care Device for Measuring in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease and Postkidney Transplantation. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Nov 12.
  31. Nesrallah G, Gilmour L, Levin A, Mustafa R, Soroka S, Zimmerman D. (2020). The CSN COVID-19 Rapid Response Program.Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Oct 21;7:1-4 
  32. O'Connell P J, Brown M, Chan T M, Claure-Del Granado R, Davies S J, Eiam-Ong S, Hassan M H, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Levin A, et al. (2020). The role of kidney transplantation as a component of integrated care for chronic kidney disease.Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2020 Mar 19;10(1):e78-e85.
  33. O'Lone E, Howell M, Viecelli A K, Craig J C, Tong A, Sautenet B, Herrington W G, Herzog C A, Jafar T H, Jardine M, Krane V, Levin A, et al. (2020). Identifying critically important cardiovascular outcomes for trials in hemodialysis: an international survey with patients, caregivers and health professionals. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2020 Feb 10.
  34. Oshima M, Jardine M J, Agarwal R, Bakris G, Cannon C P, Charytan D M, de Zeeuw D, Edwards R, Greene T,
    Levin A, Lim S K, Mahaffey K W, Neal B, Pollock C, Rosenthal N, Wheeler D C, Zhang H, Zinman B, Perkovic V, Heerspink H J L. (2020). Insights from CREDENCE trial indicate an acute drop in estimated glomerular filtration rate during treatment with canagliflozin with implications for clinical practice. Kidney International 2020.
  35. Romanowski K, Rose C, Cook V J, Sekirov I, Morshed M, Djurdjev O, Levin A, Johnston J C. (2020). Effectiveness of Latent TB Screening and Treatment in People Initiating Dialysis in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis. July 2020.
  36. Sawhney S, Beaulieu M, Black C, Djurdjev O, Espino-Hernandez G, Marks A, McLernon D J, Sheriff Z, Levin A. (2020). Predicting kidney failure risk after acute kidney injury among people receiving nephrology clinic care. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2020 May;35(5):836-845.
  37. Schachter M E, Saunders M J, Akbari A, Caryk J M, Bugeja A, Clark E G, Tennankore K K, Martinusen D J. (2020). Technique Survival and Determinants of Technique Failure in In-Center Nocturnal Hemodialysis: A Retrospective Observational Study. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis December 2020.
  38. Sola L, Levin N W, Johnson D W, Pecoits-Filho R, Aljubori H M, Chen Y, Claus S, Collins A, Cullis B,  Feehally J, Harden P N, Hassan M H, Ibhais F, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Levin A, et al. (2020). Development of a framework for minimum and optimal safety and quality standards for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2020 Mar 19;10(1):e55-e62.
  39. Suri R S, Antonsen J E, Banks C A, Clark D A, Davison S N, Frenette C H, Kappel J E, MacRae J M, Mac-Way F, Mathew A, Moist L M, Qirjazi E, Tennankore K K, Vorster H. (2020). Management of outpatient hemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recommendations from the Canadian Society of Nephrology  COVID-19 rape response team. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis September 2020.
  40. Qarni B, Osman M A, Levin A, et al. (2020). Kidney care in low- and middle-income countries. Clin Nephrol 2020 Supplement Jan;93(1):21-30
  41. Varghese A, Lacson Jr E, Sontrop J M, Acedillo R R, Al-Jaishi A A, Anderson S, Bagga A, Bain K L, Bennett L L, Bohm C, Brown P A, Chan C T, Cote B, Dev V, Field B, Harris C, Kalatharan S, Kiaii M, et al, for Dialysate Magnesium (Dial-Mag) Investigator. (2020). A Higher Concentration of DialysateMagnesium to Reduce the Frequency ofMuscle Cramps: A Narrative Review. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 2020 Oct 22; 7:1-13.

  42. Walsh M, Merkel P A, Peh C, Szpirt W M, Puéchal X, Fujimoto S, Hawley C M, Khalidi N, Floßmann O, Wald R, Girard L P, Levin A, et al. (2020). Plasma Exchange and Glucocorticoids in Severe ANCA-Associated Vasculitis.N Engl J Med 2020;382(7):622-631.
  43. Wang A, Turnbull L, Williams J, Thomas S, Saunders S, Levin A, Djurdjev O, Copland M, Singh S, Hemmett J. (2020). Systematic Evaluation of a Provincial Initiative to Improve Transition to Home Dialysis Therapies. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis. Aug 2020; 7:1-13.
  44. Yi T W, Levin A, Bevilacqua M, Canney M. (2020). A provincial survey of the contemporary management of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis September 2020.
  1. Anand S, Caplin B, Gonzalez-Quiroz M, Schensul S L, Bhalla V, Parada X, Nanayakkara N, Fire A, Levin A, Friedman D J. (2019). Epidemiology, molecular, and genetic methodologies to evaluate causes of CKDu around the world: report of the Working Group from the ISN International Consortium of Collaborators on CKDuKidney Int 2019 12;96(6):1254-1260.
  2. Barbour S, Coppo R, Zhang H, Liu Z, Matsuzaki K, Katafuchi R, Er L, Espino-Hernandez G, S. Kim J, Reich H N, Feehally J, Cattran D C. (2019). Evaluating a new international risk prediction tool in IgA Nephropathy. JAMA Intern Med. April 2019.
  3. Barbour S, Djurdjev O, Gill JS, Dong J, Gill J.  A propensity score matched analysis shows no adverse effect of early steroid withdrawal in non-diabetic kidney transplant recipients with and without glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int. 2019 Aug;96(2):460-469.
  4. Barbour SJ, Feehally J. Predicting the Future in IgA Nephropathy: A New International Risk Prediction Tool. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2019 Sep 24 Epub ahead of print.
  5. Barbour SJ, Levin A, Gill JS, Djurdjev O, Waheed A. Validation of self-reported race in a canadian provincial renal administrative database.  Can J Kidney Health Dis. July 2019
  6. Bello A K, Levin A, Lunney M, et al. (2019). Status of care for end stage kidney disease in countries and regions worldwide: international cross sectional survey. BMJ 2019 10 31;367.
  7. Bevilacqua B, Hague C, Romann A, Sheitt H, Vasilescu D, Yi T, Levin A. (2019). CT of Kidney Volume in Autosomal Dominant Polysistic Kidney Disease: Acurracy, Reproducibility, and Radiation Dose. RSNA, April 2019.
  8. Bijol V, Farag Y M K, Harris D C H, Levin A, Roy-Chaudhury P, Singh A K, Jhaveri K D. (2019). Renal pathology practice globally: identifying needs and meeting the challengeKidney Int 2019 08;96(2):258-261.
  9. Canney M, Induruwage D, McCandless LC, Reich H, Barbour S. (2019). Disease-specific incident glomerulonephritis displays geographic clustering in under-serviced rural areas of British Columbia, Canada. Kidney International.
  10. Canney M, Tang M, Er L, Djurdjev O, Levin A on behalf of the CanPREDDICT Investigators. (2019). Glomerular Filtration Rate-Specific Cutoffs Can Refind the Prognostic Value of Circulating Cardiac Biomarkers in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. Can J Cardiol. 2019 Sep; 35(9):1106-1113.
  11. Canney M, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Zierold C, Blocki F, Wolf M, Levin A. (2019). GFR-Specific versus GFR-Agnostic Cutoffs for Parathyroid Hormone and Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. Am J Nephrol, 50(2):105-114.
  12. Carter SA, Lightstone L, Cattran D, Bagga A, Barbour SJ, et al. Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Glomerular Disease (SONG-GD): establishing a core outcome set for trials in patients with glomerular disease. Kidney Int. 2019 Jun;95(6):1280-1283
  13. Caplin B, Yang C, Anand S, Levin A, Madero M, Saran R, Jayasinghe S, De Broe M, Yeates K, Tonelli M, Jakobsson K, Strani L, Ruggiero A, Glaser J, Martin E, Pearce N, Wijewickrama E on behalf ofInternational Society of Nephrology’s International Consortium of Collaborators on Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (2019). The International Society of Nephrology’s International Consortium of Collaborators on Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology: report of the working group on approaches to population-level detection strategies and recommendations for a minimum dataset. Kidney International, 95, Issue 1, Pages 4–10.
  14. Collister D, Pyne L, Cunningham J, Donald M, Molnar A, Beaulieu M, Levin A, Brimble K S. (2019). Multidisciplinary Chronic Kidney Disease Clinic Practices: A Scoping Review. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2019.
  15. De Pinho N A, Levin A, Fukagawa M, et al. (2019). Considerable international variation exists in blood pressure control and antihypertensive prescription patterns in chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2019 10 26;96(4):983-994
  16. Ferguson T W, Garg A X, Sood M M, Rigatto C, Chau E, Komenda P, Naimark D, Nesrallah G E, Soroka S D, Beaulieu M, Alam A, Kim S J, Dixon S, Manns B, Tangri N. (2019). Association Between the Publication of the Initiating Dialysis Early and Late Trial and the Timing of Dialysis Initiation in Canada. JAMA Intern Med 2019 07;179(7):934-941.
  17. Fervenza FC, Appel GB, Barbour SJ, et al. for the MENTOR investigators. Rituximab or Cyclosporine in the Treatment of Membranous Nephropathy (MENTOR trial). N Engl J Med. 2019 Jul 4;381(1):36-46.
  18. Floege J, Barbour SJ, Cattran D, Hogan J, Nachman P, Tang S, Wetzels J, Cheung M, Wheeler D, Winkelmayer W, Rovin B. Management and Treatment of Glomerular Diseases (Part 1): Conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int. 2019; 95(2): 268-295.
  19. Grams M E, Sang Y, Ballew S H, Matsushita K, Astor B C, Carrero J J, Chang A R, Inker L A, Kenealy T, Kovesdy C P, Lee B J, Levin A, Naimark D, Pena M J, Schold J D, Shalev V, Wetzels J FM, Woodward M, Gansevoort R T, Levey A S, Coresh J. (2019). Evaluating Glomerular Filtration Rate Slope as a Surrogate End Point for ESKD in Clinical Trials: An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis of Observational Data. JASN.
  20. Ho C, Martinusen D, Lo C. (2019). A Review of Cannabis in Chronic Kidney Disease Symptom Management. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis. Feb 2019.
  21. Huang SMacRae JRoss DImtiaz RHollingsworth BNesrallah GCopland MMcFarlane PChan C, Zimmerman‎ D. (2019). Buttonhole versus Stepladder Cannulation for Home Hemodialysis. CJASN, March 2019:14 (3) 403-410.
  22. Huang YM, Xu D, Long J, Shi Y, Zhang L, Wang H, Levin A, Zhao M (2019). Spectrum of chronic kidney disease in China: A national study based on hospitalized patients from 2010 to 2015. Nephrology, 24(7):725-736.
  23. Levin A. (2019). Vascular Access Differences in Men and Women: Time to Solve the Problem?. Am J Nephrol 2018 10;48(1):1-3.
  24. Levin A. (2019). Improving Global Kidney Health: International Society of Nephrology Initiatives and the Global Kidney Health Atlas. Ann Nutr Metab 2018 20;72 Suppl 2:28-32.
  25. Levin A, et al on behalf of the DEGREE Study Steering Committee (2019). Rationale and population-based prospective cohort protocol for the Disadvantaged Populations at Risk of Decline in eGFR (CO-DEGREE). BMJ.
  26. Lunney M, Samimi A, Osman M A, Jindal K, Wiebe N, Ye F, Johnson D W, Levi A, Bello A K. (2019). Capacity of Kidney Care in Canada: Identifying Barriers and Opportunities. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2019.
  27. Mahaffey K W, Jardine M J, Bompoint S, Cannon C P, Neal B, Heerspink H J L, Charytan D M, Edwards R, Agarwal R, Bakris G, Bull S, Capuano G, De Zeeuw D, Greene T, Levin A, et al. (2019). Canagliflozin and Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention Groups. Circulation 2019 08 11;140(9):739-750.
  28. Mendley S R, Levin A, Correa-Rotter R, Joubert B R, Whelan E A, Curwin B, Koritzinsky E H, Gaughan D M, Kimmel P L, Anand S, Ordunez P, Reveiz L, Rohlman D S, Scammell  M K, Wright R O, Star R A. (2019). Chronic kidney diseases in agricultural communities: report from a workshop. Kidney Int 2019 11 2;96(5):1071-1076.
  29. Neuen B L, Young T, Heerspink H J L, Neal B, Perkovic V, Billot L, Mahaffey K W, Charytan D M, Wheeler D C, Arnott C, Bompoint S, Levin A, Jardine M J. (2019). SGLT2 inhibitors for the prevention of kidney failure in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019 11 5;7(11):845-854.
  30. Orlandi P F, Huang J, Fukagawa M, Hoy W, Jha V, Oh K, Sola L, Cockwell P, Levin A, Feldman H I. (2019). A collaborative, individual-level analysis compared longitudinal outcomes across the International Network of Chronic Kidney Disease (iNETCKD) cohorts. Kidney Int 2019 11 30;96(5):1217-1233.
  31. Perkovic V, Jardine M J, Neal B, Bompoint S, Heerspink H JL, Charytan D M, Edwards R, Agarwal R, Bakris G, Bull S, Cannon C P, Capuano G, Chu P, Zeeuw D, Greene T, Levin A, et al., for the CREDENCE Trial Investigators. (2019). Canagliflozin and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy. N Engl J Med. Jun 2019.
  32. Piccoli G B, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A. (2019).What We Do and Do Not Know about Women and Kidney Diseases; Questions Unanswered and Answers Unquestioned: Reflection on World Kidney Day and International Women's Day. Am J Nephrol 2018 16;47(2):103-114.
  33. Waheed A, Djurdjev O, Dong J, Gill J, Barbour S. (2019). Validation of Self-Reported Race in a Canadian Provincial  Renal Administrative Database. Canadian J Kidney Health Dis. July 2019.

  1. Barbour S, Lo C, Espino-Hernandez G, Gill J, Levin A. (2018). The BC Glomerulonephritis Network: Improving Access and Reducing the Cost of Immunosuppressive Treatments for Glomerular Diseases. CJKHD, March 20 2018.
  2. Bevilacqua M, Er L, Copland M, Singh S, Jamal A, Dunne O, Brumby C, Levin A. (2018). Prevalence-based targets underestimate home dialysis program activity and requirements for growth. Peritoneal Dialysis International, In Press Feb 7, 2018.
  3. De Chickera S, Akbari A, Levin A, Tang M, Brown P, Djurdev O, Biyani M, Clark E G, Sood M M. (2018). The Risk of Adverse Events in Patients With Polycystic Kidney Disease With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2018.
  4. Evans M, Grams M E, Sang Y, Astor B C, Blankestijn P J, Brunskill N J, Collins J F, Kalra P A, Kovesdy C P, Levin A, Mark P B, Moranne O, Rao P, Rios P G, Schneider M P, Shalev V, Zhang H, Chang A R, Gansevoort R T, Matsushita K, Zhang L, Eckardt K, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler D C. (2018). Risk Factors for Prognosis in Patients With Severely Decreased GFR. Kidney Int Rep 2018 May 11;3(3):625-637.
  5. Forzley B, Er L, Chiu H H L, Djurdjev O, Martinusen D, Carson R C, Hargrove G, Levin A, Karim M. (2018). External validation and clinical utility of a prediction model for 6-month mortality in patients undergoing hemodialysis for end-stage kidney disease.Palliat Med 2018 02 21;32(2):395-403
  6. Gill J S, Joffres Y, Rose C, Lesage J, Landsberg D, Kadatz M, Gill J. (2018). The change in living kidney donation in women and men in the United States (2005-2015): a population based analysis. JASN, 29: 1301–1308.
  7. Harris C, Marin J, Beaulieu M C. (2018). Rituximab induction therapy for de novo ANCA associated vasculitis in pregnancy: a case report. BMC Nephrology, 19: 152.
  8. Hemmelgarn B, Manns B, Soroka S, Levin A, MacRae J, Tonelli M, Kiaii M, et al (2018). Effectiveness and cost of weekly recombinant tissue plasminogen activator hemodialysis catheter locking solution. CJASN, Mar 2018: Volume 13.
  9. Htay H, Alrukhaimi M, Ashuntantang G E, Bello A K, Bellorin-Font E, Gharbi M B, Braam B, Feehally J, Harris D C, Jha V, Jindal K, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kazancioglu R, Kerr P G, Levin A, et al. (2018). Global access of patients with kidney disease to health technologies and medications: findings from the Global Kidney Health Atlas project. Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2018 Feb 19;8(2):64-73.
  10. Kadatz M, Gill J S. (2018). Compelling Evidence of the Need for Policy Change to Decrease Deceased Donor Kidney Discard in the United States: Waste Not Want Less. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol,13(1):13-15.
  11. Kadatz M, Klarenbach S, Gill J, Gill J S. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of using kidneys from hepatitis C nucleic acid test-positive donors for transplantation in hepatitis C-negative recipients. A J Transplant, 18(10):2457-2464
  12. Kashani K, Levin A, Schetz M. (2018). Contrast-associated acute kidney injury is a myth: We are not sure. Intensive Care Medicine, 44 (1):110–114.
  13. Lan J H, Tinckam K. (2018). Clinical Utility of Complement Dependent Assays in Kidney Transplantation. Transplantation, 102(1S Suppl 1):S14-S22.
  14. Levin A. (2018). Building blocks towards sustainable kidney care around the world: Results from a multinational survey by the International Society of Nephrology. Kidney Internaitonal. 8:27-9.
  15. Levin A, Adams E, Barrett BJ, Beanlands H, Burns KD, Chiu HH, Chong K, Dart A, Ferera J, Fernandez N, Fowler E, Garg AX, Gilbert R, Harris H, Harvey R, Hemmelgarn B, James M, Johnson J, Kappel J, Komenda P, McCormick M, McIntyre C, Mahmud F, Pei Y, Pollock G, Reich H, Rosenblum ND, Scholey J, Sochett E, Tang M, Tangri N, Tonelli M, Turner C, Walsh M, Woods C, Manns B on behalf of the Can-SOLVE CKD Network. (2018). Canadians Seeking Solutions and Innovations to Overcome Chronic Kidney Disease (Can-SOLVE CKD): Form and Function. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 5:1-12.
  16. Levin A. (2018). Improving Global Kidney Health: International Society of Nephrology Initiatives and the Global Kidney Health Atlas. Ann Nutr Metab 2018; 72(suppl 2):28–32.
  17. Mafham M M, Staplin N, Emberson J, Haynes R, Herrington W, Reith C, Wanner C, Walker R, Cass A, Levin A, Fellström B, Jiang L, Holdaas H, Kasiske B, Wheeler D C, Landray M J, Baigent C. (2018). Prognostic utility of estimated albumin excretion rate in chronic kidney disease: results from the Study of Heart and Renal Protection. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2018 02;33(2):257-264.
  18. Piccoli G B, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A & On behalf of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee. (2018). What we do and do not know about women and kidney diseases; questions unanswered and answers unquestioned: reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman’s Day. BMC Nephrology.
  19. Piccoli GB, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A on behalf of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee. (2018). Women and kidney disease: reflections on World Kidney Day 2018. Kidney International. 93:278-283.
  20. Piccoli GB, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A on behalf of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee. (2018). Women and kidney disease: reflections on World Kidney Day 2018: Kidney Health and Women's Health: a case for optimizing outcomes for present and future generations. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2018 02;33(2):189-193.
  21. Piccoli GB, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A on behalf of the  World Kidney Day Steering Committee. (2018). What We Do and Do Not Know About Women and Kidney Diseases; Questions Unanswered and Answers Unquestioned: Reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman’s Day. AJH. 31(3):275-384.
  22. Piccoli GB, Zakharova E, Attini R, Hernandez M I, Covella B, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Ashuntantang G, Guillen A O, Cabiddu G, Li P K T, Garcia-Garcia G, Levin A. (2018). Acute kidney injury in pregnancy: The need for higher awareness. A pragmatic review focused on what could be improved in the prevention and care of pregnancy-related AKI, in the year dedicated to women and kidney disease. J Clin Med 2018; 7(10).
  23. Piccoli GB, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A on behalf of the  World Kidney Day Steering Committee. (2018). What We Do and Do Not Know About Women and Kidney Diseases; Questions Unanswered and Answers Unquestioned: Reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman’s Day. BMC Nephrol 2018 03 15;19(1):66.
  24. Piccoli GB, Alrukhaimi M, Liu Z, Zakharova E, Levin A on behalf of the  World Kidney Day Steering Committee. (2018). What We Do and Do Not Know About Women and Kidney Diseases; Questions Unanswered and Answers Unquestioned: Reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman’s Day. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2018.
  25. Piccoli G B, Liu Z, Levin A. (2018). Women and kidney diseases: reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman's Day. Arch Argent Pediatr 2018 Apr;116(2):e273-e278.
  26. See E J, Alrukhaimi M, Ashuntantang G E, Bello A K, Bellorin-Font E, Gharbi M B, Braam B, Feehally J, Harris D C, Jha V, Jindal K, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kazancioglu R, Levin A, et al. (2018). Global coverage of health information systems for kidney disease: availability, challenges, and opportunities for development. Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2018 Feb 19;8(2):74-81
  27. Tong T, Manns B, Wang A Y M, Hemmelgarn B, Wheeler D C, Gill J, Tugwell P, Pecoits-Filho R, Crowe S, Harris T, Van Biesen W, Winkelmayer W C, Levin A, Thompson A, Perkovic V, Ju A, Gutman T, Bernier-Jean A, Viecelli A K, O’Lone E, Shen J, Josephson M A, Cho Y, Johnson D W, Sautenet B, Tonelli M, Craig J C for the  SONG Implementation Workshop Investigators. (2018). Implementing core outcomes in kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology (SONG) implementation workshop. Kidney International, 94, (6): 1053–106.
  28. Vuurmans T, Er L, Sirker A, Djurdjev O, Simkus G, Levin A. (2018). Long-term patient and kidney survival after coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous coronary intervention, or medical therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease: a propensity-matched cohort study. Coron Artery Dis 2018 Jan;29(1):8-16.
  1. Almomen SM, Guan Q, Liang P, Yang K, Sidiqi AM, Levin A, Du C. (2017). Daily Intake of Grape Powder Prevents the Progression of Kidney Disease in Obese Type 2 Diabetic ZSF1 Rats. Nutrients. 9(4).
  2. Baigent C, Herrington WG, Coresh J, Landray MJ, Levin A, Perkovic V, Pfeffer MA, Rossing P, Walsh M, Wanner C, Wheeler DC, Winkelmayer WC, McMurray JJV, Participants KCCoCitCoCTiNC.(2017). Challenges in conducting clinical trials in nephrology: conclusions from a Kidney Disease-Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int. 92(2):297-305.
  3. Barbour S, Feehally J. (2017). An update on the treatment of IgA nephropathy. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension. 26(4):319-326.
  4. Barbour S, Lo C, Espino-Hernandez G, Sajjadi S, Feehally J, Klarenbach S, Gill J S. (2017). The population-level costs of immunosuppression medications for the treatment of glomerulonephritis are increasing over time due to changing patterns of practice. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2017) 1–9.
  5. Beaulieu MC, Dumaine CS, Romann A, Kiaii M. (2017). Advanced age is not a barrier to creating a functional arteriovenous fistula: a retrospective study. J Vasc Access.18(4):307-312.
  6. Bello AK, Levin A, Tonelli M, Okpechi IG, Feehally J, Harris D, Jindal K, Salako BL, Rateb A, Osman MA, Qarni B, Saad S, Lunney M, Wiebe N, Johnson DW. (2017). Assessment of Global Kidney Health Care Status. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association. 317(18):1864-1881.
  7. Bello A K, Johnson D W, Feehally J, Harris D, Jindal K, Lunney M, Okpechi I G, Salako B L, Wiebe N, Ye F, Tonelli M, Levin A. (2017). Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA): design and methods. Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2017 Oct 20;7(2):145-153
  8. Bevilacqua M, Chiu HHL, Saunder S, Turnbull L, Taylor P, Rjinder SS, Salyers V. (2017). The value of patient and provider reported experiences in evaluating home-based assisted peritoneal dialysis.  European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. Vol 5 Issue 3 (accepted; in press)
  9. Bevilacqua MU, Turnbull L, Saunders S, Er L, Chiu H, Hill P, Singh RS, Levin A, Copland MA, Jamal A, Brumby C, Dunne O, Taylor PA. (2017). Evaluation of a 12-Month Pilot of Long-Term and Temporary Assisted Peritoneal Dialysis. Perit Dial Int. 37(3):307-313.
  10. Burns K D, Levin A, Fowler E, Butcher L, Turcotte M, Makarchuk M, Macaluso B, Larivière V, Sherman P M. (2017). The KRESCENT Program (2005-2015): An Evaluation of the State of Kidney Research Training in Canada. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2017.
  11. Carson RC, Bernacki R. (2017). Is the End in Sight for the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Approach to Advance Care Planning? Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.12(3):380-381.
  12. Dewi IS, Celik S, Karlsson A, Hollander Z, Lam K, McManus JW, Tebbutt S, Ng R, Keown P, McMaster R, McManus B, Ohman J, Gidlof O. (2017).Exosomal miR-142-3p is increased during cardiac allograft rejection and augments vascular permeability through down-regulation of endothelial RAB11FIP2 expression. Cardiovascular Research.113(5):440-452.
  13. Fortin MC, Buchman D, Wright L, Chandler J, Delaney S, Fairhead T, Gallaher R, Grant D, Greenberg R, Hartell D, Holdsworth S, Landsberg D, Paraskevas S, Tibbles LA, Young K, West L, Humar A, Canadian Soc T. (2017). Public Solicitation of Anonymous Organ Donors: A Position Paper by the Canadian Society of Transplantation. Transplantation.101(1):17-20.
  14. Forzley B, Chiu H, Djurdjev O, Carson R, Hargrove G, Martinusen, D, Karim M. (2017). A survey of Canadian nephrologists assessing prognostication in end-stage renal disease. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease.
  15. Forzley B, Lee E, Chiu H, Djurdjev O, Martinusen D, Carson R, Hargrove G, Levin A, Karim M. (2017). External validation and clinical utility of prediction model for 6-month mortality in patients undergoing hemodialysis for end-stage kidney disease. Palliative medicine.
  16. Genga KR, Lo C, Cirstea M, Zhou G, Walley KR, Russell JA, Levin A, Boyd JH. (2017). Two-year follow-up of patients with septic shock presenting with low HDL: the effect upon acute kidney injury, death and estimated glomerular filtration rate. Journal of Internal Medicine. 281(5):518-529.
  17. Gill J, Rose C, Joffres Y, Kadatz M. (2017).Cold ischemia time up to 16 hours has little impact on living donor kidney transplant outcomes in the era of kidney paired donation. Kidney Int. 92(2):490-496.
  18. Gill JS, Delmonico F, Klarenbach S, Capron AM. (2017).Providing Coverage for the Unique Lifelong Health Care Needs of Living Kidney Donors Within the Framework of Financial Neutrality. American Journal of Transplantation.17(5):1176-1181.
  19. Gill JS, Halloran P, Jevnikar T, Cole E, Rush D, Knoll G. (2017). Costimulation Blockade Holds Emerging Hope for Patients in Large Markets Only. American Journal of Transplantation.17(4):1147-1147.
  20. Gill JS, Wright AJ, Delmonico FL, Newell KA. (2017).Towards Improving the Transfer of Care of Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation .17(1):54-59.
  21. Gregory A, Leung M, Nussbaumer G, Au S. (2017). Cutaneous Side Effects and Drug Interactions Related to Immunosuppressive Therapy in Solid Organ Transplantation. Current Dermatology Reports. Jan 1:1-9.
  22. Hutton HL, Levin A, Gill J, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Barbour SJ. (2017). Cardiovascular risk is similar in patients with glomerulonephritis compared to other types of chronic kidney disease: a matched cohort study. Bmc Nephrology.18:10.
  23. Jardine M J, Mahaffey K W, Neal B, Agarwal R, Bakris G L, Brenner B M, Bull S, Cannon C P, Charytan D M, De Zeeuw D, Edwards R, Greene T, Heerspink H J L, Levin A, Pollock C, Wheeler D C, Xie J, Zhang H, Zinman B, Desai M, Perkovic V. (2017). The Canagliflozin and Renal Endpoints in Diabetes with Established Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation (CREDENCE) Study Rationale, Design, and Baseline Characteristics. Am J Nephrol 2017 Dec 13;46(6):462-472.
  24. Jha V, Martin DE, Bargman JM, Davies S, Feehally J, Finkelstein F, Harris D, Misra M, Remuzzi G, Levin A, Int Soc Nephrology Ethical D. (2017). Ethical issues in dialysis therapy. Lancet. 389(10081):1851-1856.
  25. Langsford D, Tang ML, Hassan HIC, Djurdjev O, Sood MM, Levin A. (2017). The Association between Biomarker Profiles, Etiology of Chronic Kidney Disease, and Mortality. American Journal of Nephrology. 45(3):226-234.
  26. Lesage J, Gill JS. (2017). Management of the obese kidney transplant candidate. Transplantation Reviews. 31(1):35-41.
  27. Leung, S, Shalansky K, Vashisht P, Leung M, Marin J. (2017). Creation of a natural health products database for assessing safety in patients with chronic kidney disease or renal transplant. Can J Hosp Pharm Can J Hosp Pharm (accepted; in press)
  28. Levey AS, Levin A. (2017). A Rebuttal to "The CKD Classification System in the Precision Medicine Era". Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.
  29. Levin A, Tonelli M, Bonventre J, Coresh J, Donner J, Fogo A B, Fox C S, Gansevoort R T, Heerspink H J L, Jardine M, Kasiske B, Köttgen A, Kretzler M, Levey A S, Luyckx V A, Mehta R, Moe O, Obrador G, Pannu N, Chirag R Parikh Vlado Perkovic, Pollock C, Stenvinkel P, Tuttle K R, Wheeler D C, Eckardt K. (2017). Global kidney health 2017 and beyond: a roadmap for closing gaps in care, research, and policy. Lancet 2017 Oct 20;390(10105):1888-1917.
  30. Levin A, Tang M, Perry T, Zalunardo N, Beaulieu M, Dubland J A, Zerr K, Djurdjev O. (2017). Randomized Controlled Trial for the Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Vascular Stiffness in CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2017 Sep 26;12(9):1447-1460.
  31. Liu B, Guan QN, Li J, Da Roza G, Wang H, Du CG. (2017).Mesenchymal stroma cells in peritoneal dialysis effluents from patients. Human Cell. 30(2):51-59.
  32. Lv J, Zhang H, Wong M G, Jardine M J, Hladunewich M, Jha V, Monaghan H, Zhao M, Barbour S, Reich H, Cattran D, Glassock R, Levin A, Wheeler D, Woodward M, Billot L, Chan T M, Liu Z, Johnson D W, Cass A, Feehally J, Floege J, Remuzzi G, Wu Y, Agarwal R, Wang H, Perkovic V. (2017). Effect of Oral Methylprednisolone on Clinical Outcomes in Patients With IgA Nephropathy: The TESTING Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2017 08;318(5):432-442
  33. Newell KA, Formica RN, Gill JS, Schold JD, Allan JS, Covington SH, Wiseman AC, Chandraker A. (2017).Integrating APOL1 Gene Variants Into Renal Transplantation: Considerations Arising From the American Society of Transplantation Expert Conference. American Journal of Transplantation. 17(4):901-911.
  34. Ng JC, Leung M, Wright AJ, Ensom MH. (2017). Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring of Leflunomide in Renal Transplant Recipients with BK Virus Reactivation: A Review of the Literature. Clin Pharmacokinet.
  35. Noori N, Yan AT, Kiaii M, Rathe A, Goldstein MB, Bello O, Wald R. (2017). Nutritional status after conversion from conventional to in-centre nocturnal hemodialysis. Int Urol Nephrol. 49(8):1453-1461.
  36. Romagnani P, Remuzzi G, Glassock R, Levin A, Jager K J, Tonelli M, Massy Z, Wanner C, Anders H. (2017). Chronic kidney disease. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017 Nov 23;3:17088.
  37. Ross BA, Wald R, Goldstein MB, Yuen DA, Leipsic J, Kiaii M, Rathe A, Deva DP, Kirpalani A, Bello OO, Graham JJ, Leong-Poi H, Connelly KA, Yan AT. (2017). Relationships Between Left Ventricular Structure and Function According to Cardiac MRI and Cardiac Biomarkers in End-Stage Renal Disease. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 33(4):501-507.
  38. Sarak B, Wald R, Goldstein MB, Deva DP, Leipsic J, Kiaii M, Leung G, Barfett JJ, Perl J, Yuen DA, Connelly KA, Yan AT. (2017). Relationship between changes in blood pressure and left ventricular mass over 1 year in end-stage renal disease. J Hypertens. 35(8):1709-1716.
  39. Sawhney S, Levin A, Black C. (2017). In Reply to 'Long-term Outcomes of Survivors of Acute Kidney Injury Stage 3'. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 69(5):705-706.
  40. Sawhney S, Marks A, Fluck N, Levin A, Prescott G, Black C. (2017). Intermediate and Long-term Outcomes of Survivors of Acute Kidney Injury Episodes: A Large Population-Based Cohort Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 69(1):18-28.
  41. Sawhney S, Marks A, Fluck N, Levin A, McLernon D, Prescott G, Black C. (2017). Post-discharge kidney function is associated with subsequent ten-year renal progression risk among survivors of acute kidney injury. Kidney Int. 92(2):440-452.
  42. Scheuermeyer F X, Grafstein E, Rowe B, Cheyne J, Grunau B, Bradford A, Levin A. (2017). The Clinical Epidemiology and 30-Day Outcomes of Emergency Department Patients With Acute Kidney Injury. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2017.
  43. Soroka S, Alam A, Bevilacqua M, Girard LP, Komenda P, Loertscher R, McFarlane P, Pandeya S, Tam P, Bichet DG. (2017). Assessing Risk of Disease Progression and Pharmacological Management of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Canadian Expert Consensus. Can J Kidney Health Dis. 4:2054358117695784.
  44. White CA, Akbari A, Eckfeldt JH, Chakraborty D, McCudden C, Flemming JA, Lowe C, Labrecque P, Parent JL, Fergusson D, Gill JS, Knoll GA. (2017). beta-Trace Protein Assays: A Comparison Between Nephelometric and ELISA Methodologies. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 69(6):866-868.
  45. Wiseman AC, Gill JS. (2017). Financial Incompatibility and Paired Kidney Exchange: Walking a Tightrope or Blazing a Trail? American Journal of Transplantation. 17(3):2.
  46. Wright AJ, Rose C, Toews M, Paquet M, Corsilli D, Le Cailhier JF, Gill JS.  (2017). An Exception to the Rule or a Rule for the Exception? The Potential of Using HIV-Positive Donors in Canada. Transplantation. 101(4):671-674.
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  2. Barbour SJ, Espino-Hernandez G, Reich HN, Coppo R, Roberts IS, Feehally J, Herzenberg AM, Cattran DC, Derivation O, Valiga Consortia. (2016). The MEST score provides earlier risk prediction in lgA nephropathy. Kidney international.89(1):167-75.
  3. Biesen W V, Vanholder R, Vanderhaegen B, Lameire Nm Wanner C, Wiecek A, Sever M S, Feehally J, Kazancioglu R, Rondeau E, Levin A, Harris D. (2016). Renal replacement therapy for refugees with end-stage kidney disease: an international survey of the nephrological community. Kidney Int Suppl (2011) 2016 Dec 21;6(2):35-41.
  4. Cantarovich M, Blydt-Hansen TD, Gill J, Tinckam K, Schiff J, Alwayn I, Bain V, Dipchand AI, Isaac D, Kim SJ, Lien D, Zaltzman J, Young K, Nickerson P. (2016). Canadian forum on combined organ transplantation. Transplantation.100(6):1339-1348.
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  6. Collister D, Russell R, Verdon J, Beaulieu M, Levin A. (2016). Perspectives on optimizing care of patients in multidisciplinary chronic kidney disease clinics. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2016 12;3:32.
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  10. Gill JS. (2016). Living kidney donation at a crossroads: What steps do we need to take now? Transplantation. 100(6):1180-1181.
  11. Gill JS. (2016). What clinical changes can we expect in the next 5 years? A review of the 26th international congress of the transplantation society. Transplantation. 100(12):2511-2515.
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  15. Gordon EJ, Gill JS. (2016). US transplant policy should strengthen bridges, not build walls. American journal of transplantation.16(6):1645-1646.
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  19. Hassan HIC, Tang M, Djurdjev O, Langsford D, Sood MM, Levin A. (2016). Infection in advanced chronic kidney disease leads to increased risk of cardiovascular events, end-stage kidney-disease and mortality. Kidney International. 90(4):897-904.
  20. Hollander Z, Dai DL, Shannon C, Chen V, Lam KK, McManus JE, Assadian S, Toma M, Tebbutt SJ, Balshaw R, Borchers CH, Davies RA, Delgado D, Haddad H, Ignaszewski A, Isaac DL, Kim D, Mui A, Rajda M, Ross H, West LJ, White M, Zieroth S, McMaster W, Keown PA, Ng RT, McManus BM. (2016). Biomarkers monitoring for absence of acute allograft rejection. Journal of heart and lung transplantation. 35(4):S33-S33.
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  22. Kadatz MJ, Lee ES, Levin A. (2016). Predicting progression in CKD: Perspectives and precautions. American journal of kidney diseases. 67(5):779-786.
  23. Kiang TKL, Partovi N, Hussaini T, Shapiro RJ, Collier A, Ensom M. (2016). Effects of genetic polymorphism in UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), multidrug resistance-protein 2 (MRP-2), and organic anion transporter (OATP) on mycophenolate-associated neutropenia in steroid-free adult kidney transplant recipients. Pharmacotherapy. 36(12):E275-E275.
  24. Kim RB, Morse BL, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Muirhead N, Barrett B, Holmes DT, Madore F, Clase CM, Rigatto C, Levin A, Can PI. (2016). Advanced chronic kidney disease populations have elevated trimethylamine N-oxide levels associated with increased cardiovascular events. Kidney international. 89(5):1144-1152.
  25. Knoll GA, Fergusson D, Chasse M, Hebert P, Wells G, Tibbles LA, Treleaven D, Holland D, White C, Muirhead N, Cantarovich M, Paquet M, Kiberd B, Goorishankar S, Shapiro J, Prasad R, Cole E, Pilmore H, Cronin V, Hogan D, Ramsay T, Gill J. (2016). Ramipril versus placebo in kidney transplant patients with proteinuria: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet diabetes & endocrinology. 4(4):318-326.
  26. Kovesdy CP, Coresh J, Ballew SH, Woodward M, Levin A, Naimark DMJ, Nally J, Rothenbacher D, Stengel B, Iseki K, Matsushita K, Levey AS, Consortium CKDP. (2016). Past decline bersus current eGFR and subsequent ESRD risk. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.27(8):2447-2455.
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  29. Langsford D, Tang M, Djurdjev O, Er L, Levin A. (2016). The variability of estimated glomerular filtration rate decline in alport syndrome. Can J Kidney Health Dis. 3:2054358116679129.
  30. Levin A, Harris D, Remuzzi G, Horton R, Berman P. (2016). The lancet kidney campaign: an opportunity for partnerships. Lancet. 387(10023):1038-1039.
  31. Levin A, Lan JH.(2016).Cystatin C and cardiovascular disease causality, association, and clinical implications of knowing the difference. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 68(9):946-948.
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  37. Perkovic V, Agarwal R, Fioretto P, Hemmelgarn BR, Levin A, Thomas MC, Wanner C, Kasiske BL, Wheeler DC, Groop PH, Conf P. (2016). Management of patients with diabetes and CKD: conclusions from a "Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes" (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney International. 90(6):1175-1183.
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  39. Romanowski K, Clark EG, Levin A, Cook VJ, Johnston JC. (2016).Tuberculosis and chronic kidney disease: an emerging global syndemic. Kidney international. 90(1):34-40.
  40. Rose C, Gill J, Zalunardo N, Johnston O, Mehrotra A, Gill JS. (2016). Timing of pregnancy after kidney transplantation and risk of allograft failure. American journal of transplantation.16(8):2360-2367.
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  42. Sawhney S, Fluck N, Levin A, Macleod A, Marks A, Prescott G, Black C. (2016). Long-term prognosis of acute kidney injury: a 10 year population-based study. Lancet. 387:89-89.
  43. Staplin N, Haynes R, Herrington WG, Reith C, Cass A, Fellstrom B, Jiang LX, Kasiske BL, Krane V, Levin A, Walker R, Wanner C, Wheeler DC, Landray MJ, Baigent C, Emberson J, Grp SC. (2016).Smoking and adverse outcomes in patients With CKD: The study of heart and renal protection (SHARP). American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 68(3):371-380.
  44. Thangaraju S, Gill J, Wright A, Dong JH, Rose C. (2016). Risk factors for BK polyoma virus treatment and association of treatment with kidney transplant failure: Insights from a paired kidney analysis. Transplantation. 100(4):854-861.
  45. Tinckam KJ, Rose C, Hariharan S, Gill J. (2016). Re-Examining risk of repeated HLA mismatch in kidney transplantation. Journal of the american society of nephrology. 27(9):2833-2841.
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  13. Garg AX, Nevis IF, McArthur E, Sontrop JM, Koval JJ, Lam NN, Hildebrand AM, Reese PP, Storsley L, Gill JS, Segev DL. (2015). Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia in living kidney donors. New England Journal of Medicine. 372(2):124-33.
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  18. Hogg RJ, Bay RC, Jennette JC, Sibley R, Kumar S, Fervenza FC, Appel G, Cattran D, Fischer D, Hurley RM, Cerda J. (2015). Randomized Controlled Trial of Mycophenolate Mofetil in Children, Adolescents, and Adults With IgA Nephropathy. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 66(5):783-91.
  19. Iansavichus, AV, Hildebrand, AM, Haynes, RB, Wilczynski, NL, Levin, A, Hemmelgarn, BR, Tu, K, Nesrallah, GE, Nash, DM, Garg, AX. (2015). High-Performance Information Search Filters for CKD Content in PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and EMBASE. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 65(1), 26-32.
  20. Jacobson BE, Seccombe DW, Katayev A, Levin A. (2015). A study examining the bias of albumin and albumin/creatinine ratio measurements in urine. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). 2015 Mar 28.
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  24. Levin, A, Wheeler, DC. (2015). A Fine Balance: Developing Clinical Practice Guidelines in Areas Where Evidence is Lacking. Seminars in Dialysis, 28(6), 654-656.
  25. Ma, IWY, Zalunardo, N, Brindle, ME, Hatala, R, McLaughlin, K. (2015). Notes From the Field: Direct Observation Versus Rating by Videos for the Assessment of Central Venous Catheterization Skills. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 38(3), 419-422.
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  31. Tonelli, M, Molzahn, AE, Wiebe, N, Davison, SN, Gill, JS, Hemmelgarn, BR, Manns, BJ, Pannu, N, Pelletier, R, Thompson, S, Klarenbach, SW, Alberta Kidney Dis, N. (2015). Relocation of remote dwellers living with hemodialysis: a time trade-off survey. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 30(10), 1767-1773.
  32. Tong, A, Ralph, AF, Chapman, JR, Wong, G, Gill, JS, Josephson, MA, Craig, JC. (2015). Focus Group Study of Public Opinion About Paying Living Kidney Donors in Australia. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 10(7), 1217-1226.
  33. Wright, AJ, Gill, JS. (2015). Kidney Transplantation in HIV-Infected Recipients: Encouraging Outcomes, but Registry Data Are No Longer Enough. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 26(9), 2070-2071.
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  19. Haynes R, Lewis D, Emberson J, Reith C, Agodoa L, Cass A, Craig JC, de Zeeuw D, Feldt-Rasmussen B, Fellström B, Levin A, Wheeler DC, Walker R, Herrinton WG, Baigent C, Landray MJ, for the SHARP Collaborative Group. (2014). Effects of lowering LDL cholesterol on progression of kidney disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2014 May 1:ASN-2013090965.
  20. Haynes R, Staplin N, Emberson J, Herrington WG, Tomson C, Agodoa L, Tesar V, Levin A, Lewis D, Reith C, Baigent C, Landray MJ, on behalf of the SHARP Collaborative Group. (2014). Evaluating the contribution of the cause of kidney disease to prognosis in CKD: results from the Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP). American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 64(1):40-8.
  21. Herrington W, Emberson J, Staplin N, Blackwell L, Fellström B, Walker R, Levin A, Hooi LS, Massy ZA, Tesar V, Reith C, Haynes R, Baigent C, Landray MJ, on beahfl of the SHARP Investigators. (2014). The effect of lowering LDL cholesterol on vascular access patency: post hoc analysis of the Study of Heart and Renal Protection. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2014 Mar 13:CJN-10371013.
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  27. Levin A, Remuzzi G. (2014). Clinical trials: ISN-ACCTS: global initiatives to improve clinical research. Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2014 Aug 1;10(8):426-7.
  28. Levin A, Rigatto C, Barrett B, Madore F, Muirhead N, Clase C, Tang M, Djurdjev O, and on behalf of the CanPREDDICT Investigators. (2014). Biomarkers of inflammation, fibrosis, cardiac stretch and injury predict death but not renal replacement therapy at 1 year in a Canadian chronic kidney disease cohort”, NDT, May 2014; 29(5), pp 1035-45
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  31. Levin, A, Perry, T, De Zoysa, P, Sigrist, MK, Humphries, K, Tang, M, Djurdjev, O. (2014). A randomized control trial to assess the impact of vitamin D supplementation compared to placebo on vascular stiffness in chronic kidney disease patients. Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders, 14.
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  33. Levin, A, Stevens, PE, Coresh, J, Levey, A. (2014). Screening, Monitoring, and Treatment of Stage 1 to 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Annals of Internal Medicine, 161(1), 81-82.
  34. Linder, A, Fjell, C, Levin, A, Walley, KR, Russell, JA, Boyd, JH. (2014). Small Acute Increases in Serum Creatinine Are Associated with Decreased Long-Term Survival in the Critically Ill. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 189(9): 1075-1081.
  35. Lopez AD, Williams TN, Levin A, Tonelli M, Singh JA, Burney PG, Rehm J, Volkow ND, Koob G, Ferri CP. (2014). Remembering the forgotten non-communicable diseases. BMC medicine. 12(1):200.
  36. Lopez, AD, Williams, TN, Levin, A, Tonelli, M, Singh, JA, Burney, PGJ, Rehm, J, Volkow, ND, Koob, G, Ferri, CP. (2014). Remembering the forgotten non-communicable diseases. Bmc Medicine, 12.
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  43. Shannon, CP, Balshaw, R, Ng, RT, Wilson-McManus, JE, Keown, P, McMaster, R, McManus, BM, Landsberg, D, Isbel, NM, Knoll, G, Tebbutt, SJ. (2014). Two-Stage, In Silico Deconvolution of the Lymphocyte Compartment of the Peripheral Whole Blood Transcriptome in the Context of Acute Kidney Allograft Rejection. Plos One, 9(4).
  44. Shechter, SM, Skandari, MR, Zalunardo, N. (2014). Timing of Arteriovenous Fistula Creation in Patients With CKD: A Decision Analysis. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 63(1), 95-103.
  45. Sood MM, Tangri N, Hiebert B, Kappel J, Dart A, Levin A, et al (2014). Geographic and regional variation in the use of Peritoneal Dialysis in Canada: a cohort study. CMAJ Open. 2 (1)
  46. Sud M, Tangri N, Levin A, Pintilie M, Levey A, Naimark D. (2014). CKD stage at nephrology referral and factors influencing the risks of ESRD and death. AJKD. 63(6): 928-36 
  47. Tong, A, Ralph, A, Chapman, JR, Gill, JS, Josephson, MA, Hanson, CS, Wong, G, Craig, JC. (2014). Public Attitudes  ,Beliefs About Living Kidney Donation: Focus Group Study. Transplantation, 97(10), 977-985.
  48. Wen, CP, Matsushita, K, Coresh, J, Iseki, K, Islam, M, Katz, R, McClellan, W, Peralta, CA, Wang, HY, de Zeeuw, D, Astor, BC, Gansevoort, RT, Levey, AS, Levin, A, Chronic Kidney Dis, P. (2014). Relative risks of chronic kidney disease for mortality and end-stage renal disease across races are similar. Kidney International, 86(4), 819-827.
  1. Al Khan, S, De Badyn, MH, Yakimec, J, Shalansky, K, Pal, J, Cheng, K, Jastrzebski, J. (2013). Measurement of reticulocyte hemoglobin (RET HE) parameter on Sysmex XE 2100 in hemodialysis patients on erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA) in tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 35, 39-39.
  2. AlAbbas A, Campbell AI, Skippen P, Human D, Matsell DG,Mammen C. Epidemiology of cardiac surgery associated acute kidney injury in neonates: A retrospective study. Pediatric Nephrology. 28:1127-34.
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  4. Barbour S, Beaulieu M, Gill J, Djurdjev O, Reich H, Levin A. An overview of the British Columbia Glomerulonephritis network and registry: integrating knowledge generation and translation within a single framework. BMC nephrology. 14(1).
  5. Barbour S, Reich H, Cattran D. Short-term complications of membranous nephropathy. Contributions to Nephrology. 181.
  6. Barbour SJ, Cattran DC, Kim SJ, Levin A, Wald R, Hladunewich MA, Reich HN. (2013). Individuals of Pacific Asian origin with IgA nephropathy have an increased risk of progression to end-stage renal disease. Kidney international. 84(5):1017-24.
  7. Barnieh, L, Gill, JS, Klarenbach, S, Manns, BJ. (2013). The Cost-Effectiveness of Using Payment to Increase Living Donor Kidneys for Transplantation. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 8(12), 2165-2173.
  8. Borzych-Duzalka D, Bilginer Y, Ha IS, Bak M, Rees L, Cano F, Munarriz RL, Chua A, Pesle S, Emre S, Urzykowska A, Quiroz L, Ruscasso JD, White C, Pape L, Ramela V, Printza N, Vogel A, Kuzmanovska D, Simkova E, Müller-Wiefel DE, Warady BA, Schaefer F for the International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network (IPPN) Registry. Management of Anemia in Children Receiving Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Mar; 24(4):665-76.
  9. Burger, D, Levin, A. (2013). 'Shedding' light on mechanisms of hyperphosphatemic vascular dysfunction. Kidney International. 83(2), 187-189.
  10. Chui, BK, Manns, B, Pannu, N, Dong, J, Wiebe, N, Jindal, K, Klarenbach, SW. (2013). Health Care Costs of Peritoneal Dialysis Technique Failure and Dialysis Modality Switching. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 61(1), 104-111.
  11. Clark EG, Schachter ME, Palumbo A, Knoll G, Edwards C. (2013). Temporary hemodialysis catheter placement by nephrology fellows: implications for nephrology training.  American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 62(3):474-80.
  12. Cohen Freue GV, Meredith A, Smith D, Bergman A, Sasaki M, Lam KK, Hollander Z, Opushneva N, Takhar M, Lin D, Wilson-McManus J, Balshaw R, Keown PA, Borchers CH, McManus B, Ng RT, McMaster R, for the Biomarkers in Transplantation and the NCE CECR Prevention of Organ Failure Centre of Excellence Teams. (2013). Computational biomarker pipeline from discovery to clinical implementation: plasma proteomic biomarkers for cardiac transplantation. PLoS Comput. Biol. 2013 Apr 4;9:e1002963.
  13. Coresh J, Levey AS, Levin A, Stevens P. (2013). A stable definition of chronic kidney disease improves knowledge and patient care. BMJ. 347.
  14. Danovitch, GM, Chapman, J, Capron, AM, Levin, A, Abbud, M, Al Mousawi, M, Bennett, W, Budiani-Saberi, D, Couser, W, Dittmer, I, Jha, V, Lavee, J, Martin, D, Masri, M, Naicker, S, Takahara, S, Tibell, A, Shaheen, F, Anantharaman, V, Delmonico, FL. (2013). Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism: The Role of Global Professional Ethical Standards-The 2008 Declaration of Istanbul. Transplantation. 95(11), 1306-1312.
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  16. Eckardt, KU, Coresh, J, Devuyst, O, Johnson, RJ, Kottgen, A, Levey, AS, Levin, A. (2013). Evolving importance of kidney disease: from subspecialty to global health burden. Lancet. 382(9887) 158-169.
  17. Eddy AA. (2013). The origin of kidney scar-forming myofibroblasts. Nat Med. 19:964-966. 
  18. Farah M, Levin A, Kiaii M, Vickars L, Werb R. (2013). Combination hemodialysis and centrifugal therapeutic plasma exchange: 18 years of Canadian experience. Hemodialysis International. 17(2):256-65.
  19. Gill JS, Schaeffner E, Chadban S, Dong J, Rose C, Johnston O and Gill J. Quantification of the early risk of death in elderly kidney transplant recipients. Am J Transplant. 2013 Feb; 13(2):427-432.
  20. Gill, J, Dong, J, Rose, C, Johnston, O, Landsberg, D. (2013). The Effect of Race and Income on Living Kidney Donation in the United States. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 24(11) 1872-1879.
  21. Hiatt MJ, Matsell DG. Urinary tract obstruction in the mouse- The kinetics of distal nephron injury. Laboratory Investigation. 93:1012-23.
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  24. Humar, A, Gill, J, Johnston, O, Fergusson, D, House, AA, Lebel, L, Cockfield, S, Kim, SJ, Zaltzman, J, Cantarovich, M, Karpinski, M, Ramsay, T, Knoll, GA. (2013). Quinolone prophylaxis for the prevention of BK virus infection in kidney transplantation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14.
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  27. Keown, PA. (2013). Predicting long-term outcome in renal transplantation. Kidney International, 84(4), 650-652.
  28. Lafrance, JP, Levin, A. (2013). Defining AKI: closer to getting the math right. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 28(6), 1340-1342.
  29. Lange BD, Schwartz D, Da Roza G, Gair R. Use of intravenous lipid emulsion to reverse central nervous system toxicity of an iatrogenic local anesthetic overdose in a patient on peritoneal dialysis. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2012 Dec; 46.
  30. Levey, AS, Levin, A, Kellum, JA. (2013). Definition and Classification of Kidney Diseases. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 61(5), 686-688.
  31. Levin A,  Lo C, Noel K, Djurdjev O, Amano EC. Activity-based funding model provides foundation for province-wide best practices in renal care. Healthcare Quarterly. 16(4):49-54.
  32. Levin A, Stevens PE, Bilous RW. (2013). Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD Work Group. KDIGO 2012 clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl. 2013;3:1-50.
  33. Levin, A, Lancashire, W, Fassett, RG. (2013). Targets, trends, excesses,  ,deficiencies: refocusing clinical investigation to improve patient outcomes. Kidney International, 83(6), 1001-1009.
  34. Levin, A, Perkovic, V. (2013). EPIDEMIOLOGY Global Burden of Disease Study 2010: implications for nephrology. Nature Reviews Nephrology, 9(4), 195-197.(6), 1001-1009. 
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  36. Levin, A, Stevens, PE. (2013). Comments on. KDIGO 2012 clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease' Reply. Kidney International, 84(3), 623-623.
  37. Levin, A, Stevens, PE. (2014). Summary of KDIGO 2012 CKD Guideline: behind the scenes, need for guidance, and a framework for moving forward. Kidney International. 85(1), 49-61.
  38. Lin, D, Freue, GC, Hollander, Z, Mancini, GBJ, Sasaki, M, Mui, A, Wilson-McManus, J, Ignaszewski, A, Imai, C, Meredith, A, Balshaw, R, Ng, RT, Keown, PA, McMaster, WR, Carere, R, Webb, JG, McManus, BM, Biomarkers Transplantation, T, Ctr Excellence, C. (2013). Plasma protein biosignatures for detection of cardiac allograft vasculopathy. Journal of Heart  ,Lung Transplantation, 32(7), 723-733.
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  40. Mammen C, Matsell DG, Lemley KV. The importance of clinical pathways and protocols in pediatric nephrology. (2014). Pediatric Nephrology. 29(10):1903-14.
  41. Matsushita, K, Ballew, SH, Astor, BC, de Jong, PE, Gansevoort, RT, Hemmelgarn, BR, Levey, AS, Levin, A, Wen, CP, Woodward, M, Coresh, J, CKD Prognosis Consortium (2013). Cohort Profile: The Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium. International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(6), 1660-1668.
  42. Mendelson AM, Guan Q, Chafeeva I, Da Roza GA, Kizhakkedathu JN, Du C. Hyperbranched Polyglycerol is an efficacious and biocompatible novel osmotic agent in a rodent model of Peritoneal Dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International. 2013 Feb; 33:15-27.
  43. Mustafa, RA, Zimmerman, D, Rioux, JP, Suri, RS, Gangji, A, Steele, A, MacRae, J, Pauly, RP, Perkins, DN, Chan, CT, Copland, M, Komenda, P, McFarlane, PA, Lindsay, R, Pierratos, A, Nesrallah, GE. (2013). Vascular Access for Intensive Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Systematic Review for a Canadian Society of Nephrology Clinical Practice Guideline. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 62(1), 112-131.
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  46. Perl, J, Dong, J, Rose, C, Jassal, SV, Gill, JS. (2013). IS DIALYSIS MODALITY A FACTOR IN THE SURVIVAL OF PATIENTS INITIATING DIALYSIS AFTER KIDNEY TRANSPLANT FAILURE?. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 33(6), 618-628.
  47. Schachter ME, Romann A, Djurdev O, Levin A, Beaulieu M. (2013). The British Columbia Nephrologists' Access Study (BCNAS) -- a prospective, health services interventional study to develop waiting time benchmarks and reduce wait times for out-patient nephrology consultations. BMC Nephrol. 2013 Aug 29;14(1):182. [Epub ahead of print]
  48. Schachter ME, Tennankore KK, Chan CT. Determinants of training and technique failure in home hemodialysis. Hemodial Int. 2013 Mar 17. doi: 10.1111/hdi.12036. [Epub ahead of print] 
  49. Scherer, A, Gunther, OP, Balshaw, RF, Hollander, Z, Wilson-McManus, J, Ng, R, McMaster, R, McManus, BM, Keown, PA. (2013). Alteration of human blood cell transcriptome in uremia. Bmc Medical Genomics, 6.
  50. Sigrist, M, Tang, M, Beaulieu, M, Espino-Hernandez, G, Er, L, Djurdjev, O, Levin, A. (2013). Responsiveness of FGF-23  ,mineral metabolism to altered dietary phosphate intake in chronic kidney disease (CKD): results of a randomized trial. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, (281), 161-169.
  51. Stevens, PE, Levin, A, Kidney Dis Improving, G. (2013). Evaluation  ,Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: Synopsis of the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline. Annals of Internal Medicine, 158(11), 825-+.
  52. Su, GCW, Greanya, ED, Partovi, N, Yoshida, EM, Shapiro, RJ, Levy, RD. (2013). Assessing Medication Adherence in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients. Experimental  ,Clinical Transplantation, 11(6), 475-481.
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  54. Zimmerman, DL, Nesrallah, GE, Chan, CT, Copland, M, Komenda, P, McFarlane, PA, Gangji, A, Lindsay, R, MacRae, J, Pauly, RP, Perkins, DN, Pierratos, A, Rioux, JP, Steele, A, Suri, RS, Mustafa, RA. (2013). Dialysate Calcium Concentration and Mineral Metabolism in Long and Long-Frequent Hemodialysis: A Systematic Review  ,Meta-analysis for a Canadian Society of Nephrology Clinical Practice Guideline. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 62(1), 97-111.
  1. Abecassis M, Bridges ND, Clancy CJ, Dew MA, Eldadah B, Englesbe MJ, Flessner MF, Frank JC, Friedewald J, Gill J, Gries C, Halter JB, Hartmann EL, Hazzard WR, Horne FM, Hosenpud J, Jacobson P, Kasiske BL, Lake J, Loomba R, Malani PN, Moore TM, Murray A, Nguyen MH, Powe NR, Reese PP, Reynolds H, Samaniego MD, Schmader KE, Segev DL, Shah AS, Singer LG, Sosa JA, Stewart ZA, Tan JC, Williams WW, Zaas DW, High KP. (2012). Solid-Organ Transplantation in Older Adults: Current Status and Future Research.  Am J Transplant. 12(10):2608-22. 
  2. Ajarmeh S, Er L, Brin G, Djurdjev O, Dionne JM. The effect of a multidisciplinary care clinic on the outcomes in pediatric chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology. 27:1921-1927, 2012.
  3. Atkinson MA, Pierce CB, Fadrowski JJ, Benador NM, White CT, Turman MA, Pan CG, Abraham AG, Warady BA, and Furth SL. Association between common iron store markers and hemoglobin in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology (2012). 27(12):2275-83.
  4. Atkinson MA, White CT. Invited Review. Hepcidin in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease: Review for the Pediatric Nephrologist. Pediatric Nephrology (2012). 27(1):33-40.
  5. Bagshaw S, Wald R, Barton J, Burns K, Friedrich J, House A, James M, Levin A, Moist L, Pannu N, Stollery D, Walsh M. Clinical factors associated with inititation of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with Acute Kidney Injury – a prospective multi-centre observational study journal of critical care. Journal of Critical Care. June 2012; 27(3):268-75.
  6. Barbour S, Greenwald A, Djurdjev O, Levin A, et al. Disease-specific risk venous thromboembolic events in idiopathic glomerulonephritis. KI, Jan 2012; 81(2):190-5.
  7. Barbour SJ, Reich HN. Risk stratification of patients with IgA nephropathy. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 59(6).
  8. Barnieh L, Klarenbach S, Gill JS, Caulfield T, Manns B. Attitudes Toward Strategies to Increase Organ Donation: Views of the General Public and Health Professionals. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Sep 27.
  9. Bedford M, Stevens P, Farmer C, Levin A. Editorial for AJKD. Acute Kidney Injury and CKD: Chicken or Egg? AJKD. Apr 2012; 59(4):485-91.
  10. Brady TM, Schneider MF, Flynn JT, Cox C, Samuels J, Saland J, White CT, Furth S, Warady BA, Mitsnefes M. Carotid intimal thickness in children with CKD: Results from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Cohort Study. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (2012). 7(12):1930-1937.
  11. Burger D, Levin A. ‘Shedding’light on mechanisms of hyperphosphatemic vascular dysfunction. (2013).  Kidney international. 83(2):187-9.
  12. Chang AM, Ohse T, Krofft RD, Wu JS, Eddy AA, Pippin JW, Shankland SJ. Albumin-induced apoptosis of glomerular parietal epithelial cells is modulated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Apr;27(4):1330-43.
  13. Chang P, Gill J, Dong J, Rose C, Landsberg D, Cole E, Gill JS. Minimal Impact of Living Donor Age on Kidney Allograft Half-Life: Implications for Living Donor Paired Exchange Programs. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 May;7(5):835-41.
  14. Collin K, Dionne JM, Er L, Lou K, White CT. Pharmaceutical cost distribution in childhood chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology. 27:1531-1539.
  15. De Serres S, Varghese J, Levin A. Biomarkers in native and transplant kidneys: opportunities to improve prediction of outcomes in CKD. Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension, Nov 2012; 21 (6):619-27.
  16. Dionne J, Lou K, Er L, Collin K, White CT. Pharmaceutical Cost of Childhood Chronic Kidney Disease. Pediatric Nephrology, 27(2012); 1531-1539.
  17. Dionne JM, Flynn JT. Hypertension in the neonate. NeoReviews. 13(7):e401-409, 2012. 
  18. Dionne JM, Abitbol CL, Flynn JT. Hypertension in infancy: Diagnosis, management and outcome. Pediatric Nephrology. 27:17-32, 2012. 
  19. Eddy AA, L pez-Guisa JM, Okamura DM, Yamaguchi I. Investigating mechanisms of chronic kidney disease in mouse models. Pediatr Nephrol. 2012 Aug;27(8):1233-47.
  20. Fairhead T, Hendren D, Tinckam K, Rose C, Sherlock C, Shi L, Crowcroft N, Landsberg D, Knoll G, Gill J, Kumar D. Poor seroprotection but allosensitization after adjuvanted pandemic influenza H1N1 vaccine in kidney transplant recipients. Transplant Infectious Disease. October 2012.
  21. Fox DA, Matsell DG, Hursh BE, Mammen C. A rare cause of hypertension in a healthy two-year-old female: Questions. Pediatric Nephrology. 27:2053-54.
  22. Farah M, Levin A, Kiaii M, Vickars L, Werb R. Combination hemodialysis and centrifugal therapeutic plasma exchange: 18 years of Canadian experience. Published online in Hemodialysis International, Aug 2012.
  23. Gill JS, Gill J, Barnieh L, Dong J, Rose C, Johnston O, Tonelli M, Klarenbach S. Income of Living Kidney Donors and the Income Difference Between Living Kidney Donors and Their Recipients in the United States. Am J Transplant. 2012 Nov;12(11):3111-8.
  24. Gill JS, Schaeffner S, Chadban S, Dong J, Rose C, Johnston O, Gill J. Quantification of the Early Risk of Death in Elderly Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation. November 2012. 
  25. Gill JS, Tonelli M. Penny Wise, Pound Foolish? Coverage Limits on Immunosuppression After Kidney Transplantation. New England Journal of Medicine. Published Online Feb 1, 2012.
  26. Hallan S, Matsushita K, Sang Y, Mahmoodi B, Black C, Ishani A, Levin A, et al. Age and Association of Kidney Measures with Mortality and End-Stage Renal Disease. JAMA Dec 2012; 308(22):2349-60.
  27. Hanko J, Romann A, Taylor P, Copland M, and Beaulieu M. Optimizing AVF creation prior to dialysis start: the role of predialysis renal replacement therapy choices. Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation September 2012.
  28. Hemmelgarn BR, Manns BJ, Straus S, Naugler C, Holroyd-Leduc J, Braun TC, Levin A, Klarenbach S, Lee PF, Hafez K, Schwartz D. (2012). Knowledge translation for nephrologists: strategies for improving the identification of patients with proteinuria. Journal of nephrology. 25(6):933.
  29. Heran MKS, Bippan SS, White C. Case Report: Renal hyperperfusion injury resulting in transient proteinuria post renal artery angioplasty for fibromuscular dysplasia. Pediatric Radiology Pediatric Radiology (April 2012). 42(4):491-4.
  30. Iosfina J, Lan J, Chan C, Levin A. Massive Colchicine Overdose with Recovery.Case Reports in Nephrology and Urology, Jan-Jun 2012; 2:20-4.
  31. Lam N, Huan A, Feldman L, Gill JS, Karpinski M, Kim J, Klarenbach S, Knoll GA, Lentine K, Nguan CY, Parikh CR, Prasad R, Treleavan DJ, Young A, Garg AX. Acute dialysis risk in living kidney donors. Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Jan 30, 2012.
  32. Levin A, Locatelli F. (2012). The new research agenda and public health interface: a framework for improving care. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation July 2012.  
  33. Levin A, Djurdjev O. On Being Better Kidney Doctors: Understanding Trajectories, Probabilities, Predictability, and People. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012;59(4):475-477, April 2012.
  34. Levin A, Le Barbier M, Er L, Andress D, Sigrist M, Djurdjev O. Incident isolated 1,25 vitamin D deficiency is more common in CKD patients than isolated 25 vitamin D deficiency over 12 months. Journal of Nephrology Mar 2012; 25(2):204-10.
  35. Levin A. (2012). Dr. Levin Replies. Letter Section, BCMJ, Apr 2012; 54(3):125.  
  36. Levin A. (2012). Ongoing gaps in CKD and CVD care: re-evaluating strategies for knowledge dissemination. Editorial Comment, NDT Apr 2012; 27(4):1282-4.  
  37. Levin A. (2012). Year in Review 2011 - Progression, prediction, populations and possibilities. Nature Reviews Nephrology, Feb 2012; 8(2)70-2.  
  38. Lionaki S, Derebail VK, Hogan SL, Barbour S, et al. Venous thromboembolism in patients with membranous nephropathy. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 7(1).
  39. Locatelli F, Levin A. Introduction and context: the past, present and future of CKD research. NDT advance published July 2012.
  40. Lopez-Guisa JM, Cai X, Collins SJ, Yamaguchi I, Okamura DM, Bugge TH, Isacke CM, Emson CL, Turner SM, Shankland SJ, Eddy AA. Mannose receptor 2 attenuates renal fibrosis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Feb;23(2):236-51.
  41. Lv J, Perkovic V, Ma X, Johnson D, Woodward M, Levin A, Zhang H, Wang H. Corticosteroid Therapy in IgA Nephropathy. JASN. Apr 2012; 23:1108-16.
  42. Ma IW, Zalunardo N, Pachev G, Beran T, Brown M, Hatala R, McLaughlin K. Comparing the use of global rating scale with checklists for the assessment of central venous catheterization skills using simulation. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2012 Oct;17(4):457-70. 
  43. Mammen C, Al Abbas A, Skippen P, Nadel H, Levine D, Collet JP, Matsell DG. Long-term risk of CKD in children surviving episodes of acute kidney injury in the intensive care unit: A prospective cohort study.American Journal of Kidney Disease 59:523-30.
  44. Matsushita K, Ballew S, Astor B, de Jong P, Gansevoort R, Hemmelgarn B, Levey A, Levin A, Wen C-P, Woodward M, Coresh J, et al. Cohort profile: The Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium. Published online, International Journal of Epidemiology, Dec 2012.
  45. Mehrotra A, Rose C, Pannu N, Gill J, Tonelli M, Gill JS. The incidence and consequences of acute kidney injury in kidney transplant recipients. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 Jan 4.
  46. Mendelssohn (Chair), Beaulieu M, Kiaii M, Jindal K, MacRae J, Kappel J, Miller L, Lok C, Moist L, Donnelly S, Oliver M, Chan C, Ethier J, Delziel C, McKinnon M, Soroka S, Hirsch D, Barrett B. Report of the Canadian Society of Nephrology Vascular Access Working Group. Seminars in Dialysis. 25(1):22–25. January–February 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-139X.2011.01009.x
  47. Molitoris B, Okusa M, Palevsky P, Chawla L, Kaufman J, Devarajan P, Toto R, Hsu C-Y, Greene T, Faubel S, Kellum J, Wald R, Chertow G, Levin A, et al. Design of Clinical Trials in Acute Kidney Injury: A Report from an NIDDK Workshop. Trials of patients with sepsis and in selected hospital settings. CJASN May 2012; 7(5):856-60.
  48. M, Moist L, Levin A, Pauly R, Komenda P, Steele A, Courtney M, Copland M, Geary D, et al. (2012). Intensive hemodialysis associates with improved survival compared with conventional hemodialysis. JASN, Apr 2012; 23(4):696-705.  
  49. Nesrallah G, Lindsay R, Garg A, Cuerden M, Moist L, Levin A, Pauly R, Komenda P, Steele A, Courtney M, Copland M, Geary D, et al. Intensive hemodialysis associates with improved survival compared with conventional hemodialysis. JASN, Apr 2012; 23(4):696-705.
  50. Okusa M, Molitoris B, Palevsky P, Chinchilli V, Liu K, Cheung A, Weisbord D, Faubel S, Kellum J, Wald R, Chertow G, Levin A et al. Design of clinical trials in Acute Kidney Injury: a Report from an NIDDK Workshop-Prevention Trials. CJASN May 2012; 7(5):851-5.
  51. Palevsky P, Molitoris B, Okusa M, Faubel S, Kellum J, Wald R, Chertow G, Levin A, et al. Design of Clinical Trials in Acute Kidney Injury: Report from an NIDDK Workshop on Trial Methodology. CJASN May 2012; 7(5):844-50.
  52. Rajan T, Levin A. A quality improvement project to improve the management of hyperkalemia in hospitalized patients. BCMJ Jan/Feb 2012; 54(1):29-33.
  53. Schachter ME, Chan CT. Current state of intensive hemodialysis: a comparative review of benefits and barriers. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Dec;27(12):4307-13. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfs506. 
  54. Sigrist M, Tang M, Beaulieu M, Espino-Hernandez G, Er L, Djurdjev O, Levin A. Responsiveness of FGF-23 and mineral metabolism to altered dietary phosphate intake in chronic kidney disease (CKD): results of a randomized trial.Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation September 2012.
  55. Tang M, Romann A, Chiarelli G, Djurdjev O, Beaulieu M, Sigrist M, Taylor P,Singh S, Levin A. Vascular stiffness in incident peritoneal patients over time. Clinical Nephrology 2012.
  56. Thompson S, Gill J, Wang PC, Padwal R, Pelletier R, Bello A, Klarenbach S, Tonelli M. Mortality among remote and rural dwelling hemodialysis patients in the United States. Kidney International 2012 Aug;82(3):352-9.
  57. Trnka P, Hiatt MJ, Tarantal AF, Matsell DG. Congenital urinary tract obstruction: defining markers of developmental kidney injury. Pediatric Research. 72:446-454.
  58. Trnka P, Ivanova L, Hiatt MJ, Milner R, Matsell DG. Urinary biomarkers in obstructive nephropathy.Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 7:1567-1575.
  59. Walsh E, Wald R, Levin A, Bouchard J et al. Timing the initiation of renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury in Canadian intensive care units: a multicenter observational study. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia June 2012; 59(9):861-70.
  60. Williams AW, Dwyer AC, Eddy AA, Fink JC, Jaber BL, Linas SL, Michael B, O'Hare AM, Schaefer HM, Shaffer RN, Trachtman H, Weiner DE, Falk AR; American Society of Nephrology Quality, and Patient Safety Task Force. Critical and honest conversations: the evidence behind the "Choosing Wisely" campaign recommendations by the American Society of Nephrology. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Oct;7(10):1664-72.
  61. Wilson AC, Schneider MF, Cox C, Greenbaum LA, Saland J, White CT, Furth S, Warady B, Mitsnefes M. Prevalence and Correlates of Multiple Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2012. 6:2759-65.
  62. Wright L, Zaltzman JS, Gill J, Prasad GV. Kidney transplant tourism: cases from Canada. Med Health Care Philos. 2012 Nov 29.
  63. Yamaguchi I, Tchao BN, Burger ML, Yamada M, Hyodo T, Giampietro C, Eddy AA. Vascular endothelial cadherin modulates renal interstitial fibrosis. Nephron Exp Nephrol. 2012;120(1):e20-31.
  64. Zakrzewski P, MacKenzie P, Tsai G, Warner S, Levin A, Mikelberg F. Does an association exist between Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Chronic Kidney Disease. Journal of Glaucoma Oct/Nov 2012; 21(8):562-6.
  1. Allen N, Schwartz D, Komenda P, Pauly RP, Zimmerman D, Tanna G, Schiff J, Rigatto C, Sood MM. International practice patterns and factors associated with non-conventional hemodialysis utilization. BMC Nephrol. 2011 Dec 5; 12:66. 
  2. Atkinson MA, White CT. Hepcidin in Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease: Review for the Pediatric Nephrologist. Pediatric Nephrology. Online March 12, 2011. doi:10.1007/s00467-011-1832-y. [IF = 2.22].
  3. Baigent C, Landray M, Reith C, Emberson J, Wheeler D, Tomson C, Wanner C, Krane V, Cass A, Craig J, Neal B, Jiang L, Hooi LS, Levin A, et al. The effects of lowering LDL cholesterol with simvastatin plus ezetimibe in patients with chronic kidney disease (Study of Heart and Renal Protection): a randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet. 2011 Jun; 377(9784):2151-2248.
  4. Baldwin C, Farah M, Leung M, Taylor P, Werb R, Kiaii M, Levin A. Multi-intervention management of Calciphylaxis: a report of 7 cases. AJKD. 2011 Dec; 58(6):988-91.
  5. Barbour SJ, Beaulieu MC, Zalunardo NY, Magil AB. Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal IgG deposits secondary to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Report of two cases. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Aug; 26(8):2712-4. 
  6. Barrett B, Garg A, Goeree R, Levin A, Molzahn A, Rigatto C, Singer J, Soltys G, Soroka S, Ayers D, Parfrey P. A nurse-coordinated model of care versus usual care for Stage ¾ Chronic Kidney Disease in the community: a randomized controlled trial. CJASN. 2011 Jun; 6:1241-7.
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  8. Browne S, Gill J, Dong J, Rose C, Johnston O, Zhang P, Landsberg D, Gill JS. The impact of pancreas transplantation on kidney allograft survival. Am J Transplant. 2011 Sep; 11(9):1951-8.
  9. Burns K, Wolfs W, Belanger P, McLaughlin K, Levin A. The KRESCENT Program: An initiative to match supply and demand for kidney research in Canada. Clinical Investigative Medicine. 2010 Dec; 33(6):E1-E12.
  10. Chiarelli G, Beaulieu M, Taylor P, Levin A, Holmes DT. Elimination of BNP by Peritoneal Dialysis: Investigation of Analytical Issues. Peritoneal Dialysis Int’l.2011 Mar; 31(2):199-202.
  11. Chung A, Yang C, Kim JM, Sigrist M, Brin G, Chum E, Gourlay W, Levin A. Arterial stiffness and functional properties in chronic kidney disease patients on different dialysis modalities: an exploratory study. NDT. Dec 2011; 25(12):4031-41.
  12. Clemens K, Boudville N, Dew MA, Geddes C, Gill JS, Jassal V, Klarenbach S, Knoll G, Muirhead N, Prasad GV, Storsley L, Treleaven D, Garg A; Donor Nephrectomy Outcomes Research (DONOR) Network. The long-term quality of life of living kidney donors: a multicenter cohort study. Am J Transplant. 2011 Mar; 11(3):463-9. 
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  14. Eddy AA. Scraping fibrosis: UMODulating renal fibrosis. Nat Med. 2011 May;17(5):553-5.
  15. Eddy AA. The TGF-? route to renal fibrosis is not linear: the miR-21 viaduct. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Sep;22(9):1573-5.
  16. Farah M, Crawford RI, Levin A, Chan-Yan C. Calciphylaxis in the current era: emerging ‘ironic’ features? NDT. 2011 Jan; 26(1):191-5.
  17. Gill J, Diec O, Landsberg DN, Rose C, Johnston O, Keown PA, Gill JS. Opportunities to deter transplant tourism exist before referral for transplantation and during the workup and management of transplant candidates. Kidney Int. 2011 May; 79(9):1026-31. 
  18. Gill J, Sampaio M, Gill JS, Dong J, Kuo HT, Danovitch GM, Bunnapradist S. Induction immunosuppressive therapy in the elderly kidney transplant recipient in the United States. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 May; 6(5):1168-78.
  19. Gill JS. Achieving Fairness in Access to Kidney Transplantation: A work in progress. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011 Nov; 58(5):697-9.
  20. Gill JS. Managing Patients with a failed kidney transplant: how can we do better? Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2011 Nov; 20(6):616-21.
  21. Günther OP, Lin D, Balshaw RF, Ng RT, Hollander Z, Wilson-McManus J, McMaster WR, McManus BM, Keown PA, Biomarkers in Transplantation Team. Effects of sample timing and treatment on gene expression in early acute renal allograft rejection. Transplantation. 2011 Feb 15;91(3):323-9.
  22. Hanko J, Jastrzebski J, Nieva C, White L, Li G, Zalunardo N. Dedication of a nurse to educating suboptimal haemodialysis starts improved transition to independent modalities of renal replacement therapy. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Jul; 26(7):2302-8. Epub 2010 Nov 11. PubMed PMID: 21071546.
  23. Heran MKS, Bippan SS, White C. Case Report: Renal hyperperfusion injury resulting in transient proteinuria post renal artery angioplasty for fibromuscular dysplasia. Pediatric Radiology. Online 06 August 2011. DOI 10.1007/s00247-011-2207-z. 
  24. Hopkins RB, Garg AX, Levin A, Molzahn, A, Rigatto C, Singer J, Soltys G, Soroka S, Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ, Goeree R. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a randomized trial comparing care models for chronic kidney disease. Published online, CJASN. 2011 Jun; 6(6):1248-57.
  25. Isakova T, Gutierrez O, Patel N, Andress D, Wolf M, Levin A. Vitamin D deficiency, inflammation, and albuminuria in chronic kidney disease: complex interactions. Journal of Renal Nutrition. 2011 Jul; 21(4):295-302.
  26. Johnston O. Kidney disease: A guide for living. Book review. Am J Transplant 2011 Oct; 11(11):2532.
  27. Johnston O, Cassidy H, O'Connell S, O'Riordan A, Gallagher W, Maguire PB, Wynne K, Cagney G, Ryan MP, Conlon PJ, McMorrow T. Identification of ?2-microglobulin as a urinary biomarker for chronic allograft nephropathy using proteomic methods. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2011 May 30.
  28. Kiaii M, Djurdjev O, Farah M, Levin A, Jung B, MacRae J. Use of electron-beam sterilized hemodialysis membranes and risk of thrombocytopenia. JAMA. 2011 Oct; 306(15):1679-87.
  29. Koh JC, Koo W. Chinese nutrition educational materials for renal patients: A 2010 update. Journal of Renal Nutrition (online). 2011 Mar; 21(2):e1-e4.
  30. Lebner AC, Beard KM, Soroka SD, Cournoyer SH, Da Roza GA, Geary DF, Mendelssohn DC. Interprovincial differences in the achievement of K/DOQI targets of mineral metabolism in Canada. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.2011; 26:156-163.
  31. Levin A, Beaulieu MC. Trials and Tribulations of New Agents, Novel Biomarkers, and Retarding Renal Progression. Published online, JASN. 2011 Jun; 22(6):992-3.
  32. Levin A, Stevens P. Early detection of CKD: benefits, limitations and prognosis.Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2011 Aug; 7:446-57.
  33. Lopez-Guisa JM, Rassa AC, Cai X, Collins SJ, Eddy AA. Vitronectin accumulates in the interstitium but minimally impacts fibrogenesis in experimental chronic kidney disease. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 May; 300(5):F1244-54.
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  42. Rajan T, Barbour S, White C, Levin A. Low birth weight and nephron mass as a role in the progression of chronic kidney disease: a case report on identical twins with Alport Disease. NDT. 2011 Dec; 26(12):4136-9.
  43. Rogers J, Leung M, Beaulieu M, Levin A, Burnett S, Zienkiewicz A. Evaluation of Anemia Management by Algorithms in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Who Are Not Receiving Dialysis. Published in the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2011 Mar–Apr; 64(2):141-6.
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  47. Tangri N, Stevens LA, Griffith J, Tighiouart H, Djurdjev O, Naimark D, Levin A, Levey AS. A predictive model for progression of Chronic Kidney Disease to kidney failure. JAMA. 2011 Apr; 305(15):1553-9.
  48. Tanna GV, Sood MM, Schiff J, Schwartz D, Naimark DM. Do E-mail Alerts of New Research Increase Knowledge Translation? A "Nephrology Now" Randomized Control Trial. Acad Med. 2011 Jan; 86(1):132-138. 
  49. Tonelli M, Wiebe N, Knoll G, Bello A, Browne S, Jadhav D, Klarenbach S, Gill J. Systematic review: kidney transplantation compared with dialysis in clinically relevant outcomes. Am J Transplant. 2011 Oct; 11(10):2093-10
  50. Weber C, Beaulieu M, Djurdjev O, Er L, Taylor P, Ignaszewski A, Burnett S, Levin A. (2011). Towards rational approaches of health care utilization in complex patients: an exploratory randomized trial comparing a novel combined clinic to multiple specialty clinics in patients with renal disease–cardiovascular disease–diabetes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2011 Jun 30:gfr292.
  51. Weber C, Bennett M, Er L, Bennett MT, Levin A. Urinary NGAL levels before and after coronary angiography: a complex story. NDT. 2011 Oct; 26(10):3207-11.
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  54. Young A, Hodsman AB, Boudville N, Geddes C, Gill J, Goltzman D, Jassal SV, Klarenbach S, Knoll G, Muirhead N, Prasad GV, Treleaven D, Garg AX. (2011). Donor Nephrectomy Outcomes Research (DONOR) Network Bone and Mineral Metabolism and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Levels After Kidney Donation. Am J Kidney Dis. 2011 Nov 15.  
  55. Zhang G, Thomas AL, Marshall AL, Kernan KA, Su Y, Zheng Y, Takano J, Saido TC, Eddy AA. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ?1 promotes calpain-1 activation and macrophage inflammation in hypercholesterolemic nephropathy. Lab Invest.2011 Jan;91(1):106-23.
  1. Allen N, Schwartz D, Sood AR, Mendelssohn D, Verrelli M, Tanna G, Schiff J, Komenda P, Rigatto C, Sood MM. (2010). Perceived barriers to guidelines in peritoneal dialysis. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. [Epub ahead of print]. 
  2. Barbour SJ, Er L, Djurdjev O, Karim MA, Levin A. (2010). Differences in progression of CKD and mortality amongst Caucasian, Oriental Asian and South Asian CKD patients. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 25(11):3663-72.
  3. Barbour SJ, Schachter M, Er L, Djurdjev O, Levin A. (2010). A systematic review of ethnic differences in the rate of renal progression in CKD patients.Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. Aug 2010; 25(8):2422-30.
  4. Burns K, Wolfs W, Belanger P, McLaughlin K, Levin A. (2010). The KRESCENT Program: An initiative to match supply and demand for kidney research in Canada. Clinical Investigative Medicine. 33(6):E1-E12.
  5. Chung A, Yang C, Kim JM, Sigrist M, Brin G, Chum E, Gourlay W, Levin A. (2010). Arterial stiffness and functional properties in chronic kidney disease patients on different dialysis modalities: an exploratory study, Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 25(12):4031-4041.
  6. Chung A, Yang HHC, Sigrist M, Chum E, Booth AD, Gourlay W, Levin A. (2010). Differential microvasculature dysfunction in living kidney donor transplant recipients: nondialyzed versus dialyzed chronic kidney disease patients. Journal of Vascular Research. 47(2):128-138.
  7. Gill J, Goldberg A, Ramesh Prasad GV, Fortin MC, Hansen T, Levin A et al. (2010). Policy statement of Canadian Society of Transplantation and Canadian Society of Nephrology on organ trafficking and transplant tourism. Transplantation. 90(8):817-820.
  8. Gill JS, Landsberg D, Johnston O, Shapiro RJ, Magill AB, Wu V, Tinkham K, Keown PA. Screening for de-novo anti-HLA antibodies in non-sensitized kidney transplant recipients does not predict acute rejection. Transplantation 2010;89(2):178-184. 
  9. Hiatt MJ, Ivanova L, Toran N, Tarantal AF, Matsell DG. (2010). Remodeling of the fetal collecting duct epithelium. The American Journal of Pathology. 176(2):630-637. 
  10. Ivanova L, Hiatt MJ, Yoder MC, Tarantal AF, Matsell DG. (2010). Ontogeny of CD24 in the human kidney. Kidney International. 77(12):1123-1131. 
  11. Jia Y, Sun YH, House JD, Ogborn MR, Weiler HA, O K, Aukema HM. Long-term intake of whole proteins results in renal damage in the pig model. J Nutr. 140(9):1646-52, 2010.
  12. Johnston O, Jaswal D, Gill JS, Doucette S, Fergusson DA, Knoll GA. Treatment of Polyomavirus Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review.Transplantation 2010; 89(9):1057-1070.
  13. Joy MS, Gipson DS, Powell L, MacHardy J, Jennette JC, Vento S, Pan C, Savin V, Eddy A, Fogo AB, Kopp JB, Cattran D, Trachtman H. Phase 1 trial of adalimumab in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): II. Report of the FONT (Novel Therapies for Resistant FSGS) study group. Am J Kidney Dis. 2010 Jan;55(1):50-60.
  14. Komenda P, Copland M, Makwana J, Djurdjev O, Sood MM, Levin A. (2010). The cost of starting and maintaining a large home hemodialysis program. Kidney International. 77(11):1039-1045. 
  15. Komenda P, Copland M, Sood M, Levin A. (2010). Response to ‘Home hemodialysis: a system and not only a treatment’. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 25(8):2422-2430.
  16. Lafrance JP, Djurdjev O, Levin A. (2010). Incidence and outcomes of acute kidney injury in a referred chronic kidney disease cohort. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 25(7):2203-2209.
  17. Lebner AC, Beard KM, Soroka SD, Cournoyer SH, Da Roza GA, Geary DF, and Mendelssohn DC. Mineral metabolism management in Canadian Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Clinical Nephrology. October 2010.
  18. Lebner AC, Beard KM, Soroka SD, Cournoyer SH, Da Roza GA, Geary DF, Mendelssohn DC. Interprovincial differences in the achievement of K/DOQI targets of mineral metabolism in Canada. NDT Advance Access, e-pub published July 28, 2010. 
  19. Levin A. (2010). Health care reform, US and Canada: Musings as to myths and caveats. Renal and Urology News. June 2010.
  20. Levin A et al, on behalf of the CAN-SLEEP Collaborative Group. (2010). Patient and Technique Survival among a Canadian Multicenter Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis Cohort. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 5(10):1815-1820.
  21. Levin A, Beaulieu M. (2010). TREAT: Implications for guideline updates and clinical care, commentary on Pfeffer MA, Burdmann EA, Chen CY, et al; for the TREAT Investigators. (2009). A trial of darbepoetin alfa in type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. NEJM, 361(21):2019-2032. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 55(6):984-987.
  22. Mammen C, Milner R, Goldstein S, White CT. (2010). Standard Kt/V in Pediatric Hemodialysis: Calculation and Determination of a Target Dose. Nephrolology, Dialysis, Transplantation. 25(9):3044-3050.
  23. Michels J, Barbour S, Cavers D, Chi KN. Metastatic signet-ring cell cancer of the bladder responding to chemotherapy with capecitabine: case report and review of literature. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 4(2).
  24. Morton AR, Murphy S, Hirsch D, Leblanc M, Barr退 P, Lok C, Hercz G, Hodsman A, Reslerova M, Levin A. (2010). Development and utility of a multi-dimensional grid to assess individual mineral metabolism control in hemodialysis patients: A potential aid for therapeutic decision making?Hemodialysis International. 14(2):200-210.
  25. Ogborn MR, Nitschmann E, Bankovic-Calic N, Weiler HA, Aukema HM. The benefit of soy protein diet in experimental polycystic kidney disease is preserved after isoflavone depletion. Exp Biol Med. 235:1315–1320, 2010.
  26. Ostry A, Ogborn MR, Bassil KL, Takaro T, Allen DM. Climate change and health: A research and policy agenda for the province of British Columbia in Western Canada. Int J Env Res and Public Health. 7(3):1018-35, 2010.
  27. Schachter ME, Monahan M, Radakrishnan J, Crew J, Pollak M, Ratner L, Valeri AM, Stokes BM, Appel GB. (2010). Recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in the renal allograft: Single center experience in the era of modern immunosuppression. Clinical Nephrology. [Epub ahead of print].
  28. Sigrist MK, Levin A, Tejani AM. (2010). Systematic review of evidence for the use of intradialytic parenteral nutrition in malnourished hemodialysis patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition. 20(1):1-7.
  29. Trnka P, Hiatt MJ, Ivanova L, Tarantal AF, Matsell DG. (2010). Phenotypic transition of the collecting duct epithelium in congenital urinary tract obstruction. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2010:696034. 
  30. Vuurmans T, Byrne J, Fretz E, Janssen C, Hilton JD, Klinke WP, Djurdjev O, Levin A. (2010). Chronic kidney injury in patients after cardiac catheterisation or percutaneous coronary intervention: a comparison of radial and femoral approaches (from the British Columbia Cardiac and Renal Registries). Heart. 96:1538-1542.
  31. Warnock DG, Remuzzi G, Brenner BM, Levin A, Wanner C. (2010). Introduction to focus on Fabry nephropathy: Biomarkers, progression, and disease severity. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 5(2):359.
  32. Wolf M, Patel N, Gutierrez O, Levin A, Coyne D, Andress D. Vitamin D deficiency and anemia in early chronic kidney disease, Kidney International. Apr 2010; Vol 77, Issue 8, pp 715-720.


American Society of Nephrology 2024, San Diego

  1. Balancing cost and efficacy for new treatments for GN Presenter: Sean Barbour
  2. Machine learning derived predictors of clinical outcomes in CureGN FSGS participants
    Presenter: Mark Elliott
  3. Phase II Results of an Investigational RNA Therapeutic to Complement Factor B, IONIS-FB-LRx, for Treatment of IgA Nephropathy 
    Presenter: Sean Barbour
  4. Comparability of Two Anti-PLA2R ELISAs in Patients With Primary Membranous Nephropathy 
    Presenter: Sean Barbour
  5. Effects of Type of Protein Intake on Risk of Kidney Disease Progression among Patients with Nondialysis-Dependent CKD: A Systematic Review
    Presenter: Michelle Wong
  6. A feasibility study of investigating the role of Kidney Failure Risk Equation in optimizing the timing of vascular access creation
    Presenter: Mohammad Atiquzzaman
  7. More than 16,000 Transplant Recipients and Previous Living Donors at Risk for Poor Access to Reproductive Health Care
    Presenter: Elizabeth Hendren
  8. Disparities between Men and Women in the Course of Diabetic Kidney Disease                                                           
    Presenter: Adeera Levin
  9. Studying IgA Nephropathy at a Population Level Over a 21 Year Period
    Presenter: Sinead Stoneman
  10. Clinical and histologic predictors of outcomes in C3 glomerulopathy and idiopathic MPGN
    Presenter: Malak Ghaddar
  11. The increased risk of cancer in patients with glomerular disease
    Presenter: Jialin Han
  12. SGLT2 Inhibitors to Augment Diuresis in Acute Heart Failure 
    Presenter: Adeera Levin
  1. CSN: Nutritional parameter trajectories before and after oral nutritional supplement prescription among patents with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease.
    Team: Michelle M.Y Wong, Yuyan Zheng, Dani Renouf, Zainab Sheriff, Adeera Levin
  2. WCN: Patient and family engagement in a provincial kidney network: What have we learned so far?
    Team: Helen Chiu, Winphia Koo, Laura Bennett, Randy Spensley, Jana Sadler, Brenda Lee, Gloria Freeborn on behalf of the BC Renal Patient and Family Engagement Framework Working Group

  1. NWRD: Descriptive Characteristics and Oral Nutrition Supplement (ONS) Prescription Patterns of Kidney Care Patients in British Columbia‎
    Lead: Dani Renouf
  2. NKF: Description of Oral Nutrition Supplement (ONS) Prescriptions in BC Kidney Care Clinics (KCC)
    Lead: Dani Renouf
  3. CSN: Enabling purposeful patient and family engagement in a kidney health system
    Team: Helen Chiu, Dennis McCann, Winphia Koo, Anita Kennett, Jared Provost, Sue Bal, Jana Sadler, Neelam Mann, Brenda Lee, Gloria Freeborn, Sushila Saunders for the BC Renal Patient & Family Engagement Framework Working Group‎
  4. WCN: Nutritional status and oral nutritional supplement use among patients with CKD-ND in BC, Canada 
    Lead: Michelle Wong
  5. ERA-EDTA: Longitudinal trajectories of nutritional parameters with ONS use among CKD-ND patients in BC
    Lead: Michelle Wong
  6. CSN: Regional variation in oral nutritional supplement prescription among patients with CKD-ND in BC 
    Lead: Michelle Wong
  1. BC Kidney Days 2019: Development of a Provincial Framework to Advance Patient Engagement in Kidney Care and Research
    Lead: Winphia Koo
    Team: Helen Chiu, Dennis McCann, Winphia Koo, Anita Rand, Jared Provost, Sue Bal, Jana Sadler, Neelam Mann, Brenda Lee, Gloria Freeborn, Sushila Saunders for the BC Renal Patient & Family Engagement Framework Working Group‎
  2. Vancouver General Hospital Medicine Grand Rounds on Jan 10, 2019 - Modern Management of Autosomal Dominant Kidney Disease
    Presenter: Mike Bevilacqua
  3. 9th Annual Therapeutic Update for the Family Practitioner: Fraser Valley on Feb 2, 2019 -
    What’s New in Kidney Care in Fraser Health
    Presenter: Mike Bevilacqua
  4. Société des Radiologues du Québec: Webinar on Nov 27, 2019 - Imaging in Polycystic Kidney Disease: Being Helpful, Accurate and Relevant
    Presenter: Mike Bevilacqua
  1. A Case Series of Rituximab for Resistant Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Adults
    Lead: Ellia Zhong
    Team: Siavash Ghadiri, Judith Marin, Sean Barbour
  2. A Review of Cannabis in Chronic Kidney Disease Symptom Management
    Lead: Claudia Ho
    Team: Dan Martinusen and Clifford Lo
  3. Albuminuria predicts adverse renal outcomes and death after liver transplantation: a retrospective cohort study
    Lead: Julie Anne Ting
    Team: Dilshani Induruwage,Eric Yoshida, Nadia TZalunardo
  4. An Evaluation of the Prevalence of Hypokalemia and Hypomagnesemia in the VGH and BC Wide Peritoneal
    Dialysis Population and Frequency and Cost of Prescription of Potassium and Magnesium Supplements

    Lead: Elaine Cheng
    Team:  Jinglin Tang, Suneet Singh
  5. Collaborative Peer Review Model: Patient Partners as Equal and Contributing Voices in Patient-Oriented Research
    Lead: Mila Tang
    Team: David Hillier, William Clark, Carol Connolly, Chantel Large, Malcolm King, Joel Singer, Adeera Levin, Braden Manns, Ana Konvalinka, James Scholey, Norman Rosenblum on behalf of the Can-SOLVE CKD Network
  6. CT-Derived Total Kidney Volume Measurement in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease using
    Modern Image Acquisition and Measurement Protocols

    Lead: Micheli Bevilacqua
    Team: Hague, Cameron; Romann, Alexandra; Sheitt, Hana, Vasilescu, Dragos; Yi, Tae Won; Levin, Adeera
  7. Description of Sodium Intake among Patients in a Kidney Care Outpatient Clinic
    Lead: Dani Renouf
    Team: Paige Courtice, Ariel Seah, Aaron Sihoe, Yvonne McIntosh, Tamar Kafka, Jiak Chin Koh
  8. Enhanced Sliding Short Axis (ESSAX) technique: A key to a 100% cannulation accuracy
    Lead: Neil PenalosaTeam: Jyothi Sivadas, Maricar Vergara
  9. Evaluation of chronic kidney disease symptom management algorithms/guidelines and patient information sheets in two Kidney Care Clinics
    Lead: Judith Marin
    Team: Puneet Vashisht, Monica Beaulieu, Hilary Wu, Nadia Zalunardo, Nadia
  10. Feasibility of intradialytic exercise in a rural community hemodialysis unit: mixed methods analysis of implementation
    Lead: Anurag Singh
    Team: ME Kaminska, R Roots, A Robinson, S Yeast 
  11. Hepatitis B Vaccination Program at Two Tertiary Hemodialysis Centres
    Lead: Karen Shalansky
    Team: Lindsay Kufta, Wynnie Lau, Jacek Jastrzebski
  12. Mobilizing Culture Change for Quality Palliative Care in Chronic Kidney Disease in British Columbia
    Team: Helen Chiu, Gaylene Hargrove, Sushila Saunders, James Dong, Donna Murphy-Burke, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin, Mohamud Karim on behalf of the BCPRA Palliative Care Committee
  13. Optimizing the Utility of Patient Experience Surveys to Advance the Quality of Renal Care 
    Lead: Helen Chiu
    Team: Gloria Freeborn, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Sushila Saunders, Adeera Levin 
  14. PD Growth in Fraser South: A Quality Improvement Initiative
    Team: Yangmin Zeng, Sue Bal, Ruth Burns, Daniel Schwartz
  15. Prescription patterns in dialysis patients – differences between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis and opportunities for deprescription
    Lead: Judith Marin
    Team: Ganriella Espino, Laura Beresford, Monica Beaulieu
  16. Resourcing Model for the BC Provincial Renal Agency's Committee Work
    Lead: Yuriy Melnyk
    Team: Adeera Levin and Mark Lazurko
  17. Survey of Contemporary Management of ADPKD Highlights Need for Improved Knowledge Translation
    Lead: Tae Won Yi
    Team: Mark Canney, Adeera Levin, Mike Bevilacqua
  18. The Multi-Organ Transplant (MOT) program at BC Children’s Hospital
    Lead: Lori Paille
    Team: Laurie Johnson, Tom Blydt-Hansen, Balbir Gurm, Daisy DhaliwalJudy Mun, Sandeep Veark, Helen Yang
  19. Validation of self-reported race in PROMIS
    Lead: Aiza Waheed
    Team: Ognjenka Djurdjev, James Dong, Jagbir Gill, Sean Barbour
  20. Vascular Access Link Nurse’s Initiative: A Bold Commitment with Exemplary Results
    Lead: Bincy Varghese
    Team: Maricar Vergara

  1. Advancing Quality of Care with Patient Experience Surveys in the Continuum of Nephrology Care 
    Lead: Helen Chiu
    Team: Gloria Freeborn, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Sushila Saunders, Adeera Levin
  2. An Update on Donation
    Speaker: Dr. Jag Gill
  3. A Palliative Approach to Care for CKD: Goals of Care Discussions
    Lead: Jennifer Minelli
    Team: Marnie MacKinnon, Sharon Gradin, Jennifer Minelli, Tea Palamarevic, Jade Rust
  4. Association of Kidney Transplantation with Survival in Patients with Long Dialysis Exposure
    Lead: Caren Rose
    Team: Jagbir Gill, John S Gill
  5. A Systematic Literature Review to Understand the Impact of Calcium-Containing Phosphate Binders and Sevelamer on Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, and Bone Related Disorders in Patients with Kidney Disease
    Lead: Charles Piwko
    Team: Elizaebeth Uleryk, Leora Kurtz
  6. Availability and Access of Erythropoietin-Stimulating Agents in Fraser Health Hemodialysis Units
    Lead: Sharni Sandhar
    Team: Sharni Sandhar, Clifford Lo
  7. Balancing the Scales of Goal Weight Management
    Lead: Diane Lum
    Team: Leilani Ocampo, Michele Trask, Jodi Mok, Sarah Formales, Anita Wong, Layla Lascano, Henry Quach, Taryn Sudul, Lucas Shoblom, Emily Yu
  8. Determinants of Modality Survival for In-Centre Nocturnal Hemodialysis
    Lead: Dan Martinusen
    Team: Marc Saunders, Ayub Akbari, Julia Caryk, Edward Clark, Michael Schachter
  9. Encore presentation: PD Cycler with 2-Way Remote Management Technology Reveals Patient Adherence Patterns to Dialysis
    Lead: Zuzanna Szmukier
    Team: Catherine Firanek, Mary Gellens, Rebecca Drummond Gatesman, Mario Salas, Derek Wiebenson, James A. Sloand
  10. Factors influencing the timing of initiation of renal replacement therapy and choice of modality in children with end-stage renal disease 
    Lead: Kristen Favel
    Team: Lee Er and Janis Dionne
  11. Global Perspectives on CKD
    Speaker: Dr. Adeera Levin
  12. Improving peritoneal dialysis to home hemodialysis transition rates at a London, Ontario dialysis center
    Lead: Andrea Wong
    Team: Geoff Masschelein, Matthew VanTil, Boris Virine, Susan Huang, Arsh Jain, Lavanya Bathini, Juliya Hemmett
  13. Pediatric Renal Formula Calculator: Prescribing with Accuracy and Efficiency
    Lead: Nonnie Polderman
  14. Phosphorus analysis on bone and meat soups
    Lead: Vicky Ngo
    Team: Winphia Koo, Beverley Lau, Tanya Leung, Clara Sohn
  15. Relationship of limited sampling strategy and adverse effects of mycophenolate mofetil in pediatric renal transplant patients (RELATE)
    Lead: Kathryn Haubrich
    Team: Iona Berger, Roxane Carr, Mary Ensom
  16. Resources and Needs Review
    Lead: Eileen Carolan
    Team: Aimee Morry 
  17. Taste Testing Events at PHC Community Dialysis Units
    Lead: Michiyo Upton
    Team: Jennifer Hrushkin, Winphia Koo, 
  18. To Pee or Not to Pee
    Lead: Lesley Thellend
    Team: Joslyn Conley, Jennifer Stieda,Lauren Kembel, Jana Mckenzie
  19. What is “NEAT” About Fistula Creations? 
    Speakers: Dr. Mercedeh Kiaii, Rick Luscombe, Dr. Elizabeth Lee
  20. VANCO-HD II: Evaluation of Vancomycin Dosing Practices in Hemodialysis Outpatients at Surrey Memorial Hospital
    Lead: Robin Cho
    Team: Jenny Wang
  21. Vascular access link RN’s initiative: An extra-ordinary campaign by ordinary RNs
    Lead: Neil Penalosa
    Team:Gilbert Caindec, Bincy Varghese, Jyothi Sivadas, Maricar Vergara‎
  1. A Team-Based Approach to Solving Vascular Access Problems
    Panel: Dr. Mercedeh Kiaii, Dr. Jerry Chen, Mirita Zerr, Dr. Brooke Cairns
  2. ADPKD: What Have We Learned Over the Past Decade?
    Speaker: Dr. Arlene Chapman
  3. BCPRA Conservative Care Pathway: A Client-Centred Approach
    Speakers: Dr. Susan Copper, Bobbi Preston, Jane Valcourt
  4. Demystifying the Black Box of Transplant Immunology and New Clinical Initiatives 
    Speaker: Dr. James Lan 
  5. Deprescribing in CKD: Is More Less?
    Speaker: Dr. Judith Marin
  6. Expansion of the Home Hemodialysis Program: Patient Selection for a 2 Machine Model 
    Speaker: Sarah Thomas
  7. Fraser Health Nocturnal In-Centre Hemodialysis Program
    Speaker: Robin Cho
  8. IgA Nephropathy: An Update on Clinical Trials
    Speaker: Dr. Sean Barbour
  9. Renal Social Work in BC: The Scope 
    Speaker: Bobbi Preston
  10. Update on Provincial Initiatives in Polycystic Kidney Disease
    Speaker: Dr. Mike Bevilacqua

  1. Advance Care Planning for Seniors with Renal Disease: Exploring and Honoring Choices…How Can We Make it Happen? A Collaborative Quality Approach
    Team: Eveline Lenoble 
  2. Any Infection is a Risk Factor for Future Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, UNSW, BC Provincial Renal Agency, CanPREDDICT Investigators
    Team: Hicham I. Cheikh Hassan, Mila Tang, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin
  3. Chronic Kidney Disease and Home and Community Care in British Columbia 
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency; University of British Columbia; University of Manitoba
    Team: Sema K Aydede; Yifan Zhang; Jeffrey Yiu; Simon Tai; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Paul Komenda; Adeera Levin
  4. End-Stage renal disease and the Discontinuation of Dialysis.
    A presentation by Dr. Nicki Apostle at the Family Practice Rounds during the Palliative Awareness Week (May 4-9, 2015) hosted by Providence Health Care
  5. Establishing and Maintaining High Rates of Home Dialysis Therapies 
    Organizations: UBC Division of Nephrology, BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Penny Hill , Lee Er, Michael Copland, Rajinder Singh, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin, Paul Taylor
  6. Evaluation of Heparin Anticoagulation Protocols in Post-Renal Transplant Recipients
    Organzation: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Marianna Leung, David Landsberg, Joan Ng
  7. External Validation of a Prediction Model for 6-Months Mortality Risk (MR) in Patients on Hemodialysis
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, BC Provincial Renal Agency, Vancouver Island Health Authority
    Team: Adeera Levin, Brian Forzley, Helen Chiu, Lee Er, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Mohamud A. Karim, Rachel C. Carson, Gaylene M. Hargrove, Dan J. Martinusen
  8. Improving Access to Specialist Care in Rural Communities 
    Team: Brian Forzley, Ella Monro, Lisa Needoba (Interior Health)
  9. Non-Calcium Based Phosphate Binders Confer Survival Benefit Independent of Phosphate Reduction
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, Liverpool Hospital, BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Katrina Chau, Lee Er, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin
  10. Perception of Prognostication in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) among Nephrologists in BC
    Organizations: BC Provincial Renal Agency, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Island Health Authority
    Team: Helen Chiu, Adeera Levin, Alexandra Romann, Brian Forzley, Dan Martinusen, Gaylene Hargrove, Mohamud Karim, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Rachel Carson
  11. Systematic and Routine Symptom Assessment and Management to Relieve Distress in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease at Vancouver Coastal Health
    Team: Helen Chiu, John Duncan, Kaillie Kangro (Vancouver Coastal Health)
  12. The BC Provincial Renal Agency’s Glomerulonephritis Formulary 
    Team: Clifford Lo, Sean Barbour, Dan Martinusen, Monica Beaulieu, Adeera Levin
  13. The MEST Score in IgA Nephropathy: Implications for Clinical Management
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, BC Provincial Renal Agency, University of Toronto, University of Turin, Oxford University, Leicester General Hospital
    Team: Sean Barbour, Gabriela Espino-Hernandez, Heather N. Reich, Rosanna Coppo, Ian Roberts, John Feehally, Daniel C. Cattran 
  14. The Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Advanced Glomerulonephritis is not higher than those with other causes of CKD
    Team: H. Hutton
  15. The Timing of Pregnancy after Kidney Transplantation and Risk of Graft Loss 
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Caren Rose, Anita Mehrotra, Jagbir Gill, John Gill, Nadia Zalunardo, Olwyn Johnston 
  16. Variability of GFR Decline in Alport Syndrome: Insights from a Provincial Database
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: David Langsford, Mila Tang, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Lee Er, Adeera Levin
  1. Across the Bridge - Building a Seamless Transition for Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients to Adult Care
    Organizations: St. Paul's Hospital; University of British Columbia
    Team: Annemarie Kaan; Clare Bannon; Ben Cesar; Rhonda Federici; Janelle Gehring; Clay Gillrie; Jane Kerr; Sally Kwan; Nancy Szeto; Linnea Young
  2. Advancing Quality in End-of-Life Care for Patients with Kidney Disease in British Columbia
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency; University of British Columbia
    Team: Helen Chiu, Donna Murphy-Burke, Ronald Werb, Beverly Jung, Clifford Chan-Yan, John Duncan, Brian Forzley, Robin Lowry, Gaylene Hargrove, Rachel Carson, Adeera Levin, Mohamud Karim, on behalf of the EOL Steering Committee
  3. Alteplase Usage Patterns in Hemodialysis Units
    Organization: Fraser Health Authority
    Team:  John Lee, Clifford Lo, Alexandra Romann, Mirita Zerr, Henry Wong
  4. Bioimpedance Assessment of Volume Status in Referred Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Baseline Data from Bio-CanPREDDICT
    Organzations: McMaster University; St. Paul's Hospital; University of British Columbia; BC Renal Agency
    Team: Mohammed Tawhari, Azim Gangji, Trevor Wilkieson, Mila Tang, Adeera Levin, Catherine Clase, Ognjenka Djurdjev
  5. Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Chronic Kidney Disease Care Delivery: A Synthesis of Health Systems and Policies from 19 Countries
    Organizations:University of Alberta; University of British Columbia; University of Calgary; Université de Picardie; Mario Negri Institute.
    Team: Aminu K. Bello, Adeera Levin, Braden J. Manns, Tilman B. Drueke, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Scott Klarenbach, Giuseppe Remuzzi, Marcello Tonelli
  6. Contrast Induced Nephropathy: Assessing the True Incidence of AKI Related to CT Scans with and without Contrast
    Organizations: University of Alberta; University of British Columbia; University of Calgary; Université de Picardie; Mario Negri Institute.
    Team: St. Paul's Hospital; University of British Columbia; BC Provincial Renal Agency; Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.
  7. Decline in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate and Subsequent Risk of Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of 35 Cohorts in the CKD Prognosis Consortium
    Organization: Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium
    Team:  Tanvir C Turin, Kunihiro Matsushita, Josef Coresh, Hisatomi Arima, Steven J Chadban, Massimo Cirillo, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Jamie A Green, Fujiko Irie, Joachim H Ix, Csaba P Kovesdy, Takayoshi Ohkubo, Anoop Shankar, Chi Pang Wen, Paul E De Jong, Kunitoshi Iseki, Benedicte Stengel, Ron T Gansevoort
  8. Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Web-Based Clinical Pathway for Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
    Organizations: University of Calgary; University of Alberta; University of British Columbia; Alberta Health Services
    Team: Maoliosa Donald, Braden Manns, Marcello Tonelli, Kailash Jindal, Nairne Scott-Douglas, Adeera Levin, Tom Noseworthy, Richard Lewanczuk
  9. Different Biomarker Profiles Identify Chronic Kidney Disease Patients of Different Etiologies at the Highest Risk of Mortality before Progression to Dialysis Dependence
    Organizations: University of British Columbia; BC Renal Agency
    Team: David Langsford, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Mila Tang, Adeera Levin.
  10. eGFR Level and Its Past Trajectory for Risk of Progression to End-Stage Renal Disease: Meta-Analysis of 22 Cohorts in the CKD Prognosis Consortium
    Organization: CKD Prognosis Consortium
    Team:Csaba P. Kovesdy, Josef Coresh, Shoshana Ballew, Mark Woodward, David M. Naimark, Joseph V. Nally, Adeera Levin, Dietrich Rothenbacher, Benedicte Stengel, Kunitoshi Iseki, Kunihiro Matsushita, Andrew S. Levey
  11. Establishing an Integrated Population-Based Approach to Renal Palliative Care
    Organization: BCPRA; University of British Columbia
    Team: Helen Chiu, Donna Murphy-burke, Ronald Werb, John A. Duncan, Gaylene M. Hargrove, Adeera Levin, Mohamud A. Karim.
  12. Ethnic Differences in the Likelihood of Living Kidney Donation among Registered Potential Donors
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Jagbir Gill, Sunny Johal, Caren Rose, Shane Arishenkoff, John Gill, David Landsberg
  13. Evolving Care Systems - A Co-location Model for Change
    Organization: Providence Health Care
    Team: Amable Cruz; Laddie Frank; Camille Rozon; Stan Marchuk; Michele Trask
  14. Examination of clinical surrogates for long-term graft survival using receiver operator characteristic: acute rejection or eGFR? 
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team:  Jianghu James Dong, Caren Rose, Dr. John Gill, Dr. Jagbir Gill
  15. Extreme Makeover: Enhancing the Patient Experience in the Independence Dialysis Centre
    Organization: Vancouver General Hospital
    Team: Selina Tsang; Mary van der Hoek
  16. Helping Every Patient Achieve Their Highest Possible Level of Independence
    Organization: Providence Health Care
    Team: Michele Trask; Gillian Carter
  17. Identification of Risk Factors for BK Infection - A Paired Kidney Analysis
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Sobhana Thangaraju, James Dong, Caren L. Rose, Jagbir Gill,  John S. Gill 
  18. Infection Is a Risk Factor for Faster Progression to Renal Replacement Therapy and Death in Chronic Kidney Disease
    Organizations: St. Paul's Hopital; University of New South Wales; BCPRA; University of British Columbia
    Team: Hicham I. Cheikh Hassan, Mila Tang, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin
  19. Leukocyte Chemotactic Factor 2 (LECT2) Amyloidosis in First Nations People in British Columbia, Canada: A Case Series
    Organizations: Monash University; St Paul's Hospital.
    Team: Holly L. Hutton, Mari DeMarco, Alexander Magil, Paul Taylor
  20. Multiple regression analysis of factors associated with neutropenia in steroid-free adult renal transplant recipients taking tacrolimus and mycophenolate in three different study periods during the first year post-transplant
    Organizations: Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia 
    Team: Tony K. L. Kiang, Nilufar Partovi, Trana Hussaini, Rebecca Jean Shapiro, Mary H. H. Ensom
  21. Multiple wait listing: the advantage and the advantaged 
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Caren Rose, Dr. Jagbir Gill, Dr. John Gill, Jianghu James Dong
  22. Newer Biomarkers Improve Prediction of Cardiovascular Events in CKD Patients - CanPREDDICT Study Outcomes
    Organizations: University of British Columbia; University of Manitoba; Université de Montréal; Memorial University of Newfoundland; Western University; St. Paul's Hospital; McMaster University; BC Renal Agency
    Team: Adeera Levin, Claudio Rigatto, Francois Madore, Brendan J. Barrett, Norman Muirhead, Daniel Holmes, Catherine Clase, Mila Tang, Ognjenka 
  23. Prognostic Value of Prediction Equations and "Surprise Question" in CKD Patients in Identifying Need for Renal Replacement - CanPREDDICT Study"
    Organizations: University of Manitoba; Université de Montréal; Memorial University of Newfoundland; University of Western Ontario; St. Paul's Hospital; McMaster University; Provincial Health Services Authority; BC Renal Agency; University of British Columbia
    Team: N. Tangri, Claudio Rigatto, F. Madore, B. Barrett, N. Muirhead, D.H. Holmes, C.M. Clase, Mila Tang, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin, on behalf of the CanPREDDICT investigators
  24. Renal Replacement Therapy Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Local Review of Outcomes and Renal Recovery
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Nicholas Larkins, Peter Skippen, Gordon Krahn, Sanjiv Gandhi, Andrew Campbell, Cherry Mammen
  25. Small Returns for Big Investment: CKD-MBD Therapy from 2005 to 2013
    Organizations: University of British Columbia; BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team:  Katrina Chau, Lee Er, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin.
  26. System dynamics modeling of congestive heart failure in chronic kidney disease
    Organizations: St. Paul's Hospital, BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Mila Tang, Adeera Levin, Ognjenka Djurdjev
  27. Systematic Implementation of a Protocol to Improve Symptom Management in Hemodialysis Patients at Vancouver General Hospital
    Organizations: Vancouver General Hospital; University of British Columbia; BC Renal Agency
    Team: Kaillie Kangro, John Duncan, Helen Chiu, Michael Copland, Jacek Jastrzebski, Kerri Berryman, Toni Trewern, Karen Shalansky, Jane Chu
  28. The Canadian Society of Nephrology Methods in Developing and Adapting Clinical Practice Guidelines: A review
    Organizations: St. Michael's Hospital; University of British Columbia; University of Ottawa; McGill University; Humber River Hospital; The Ottawa Hospital; Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal; University of Saskatchewan; Western University; University of Alberta; University of Calgary
    Team: Phil McFarlane, Adeera Levin, Ayub Akbari, Bethany Foster, Deb Zimmerman, Gihad Nesrallah, Greg Knoll, Jean-Philippe Rioux, Jim Barton, Marcel Ruzicka, Norman Muirhead, Louise Moist, Neesh Pannu
  29. The Potential Impact of Financial Incentives on Participation of Directed Compatible Living Donors in KPD
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Elizabeth Hendren, Jagbir Gill, David Landsberg, Caren Rose, John S. Gill
  30. The Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Advanced Glomerulonephritis Is Not Higher Than Those with Other Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease
    Organizations: Monash University; University of British Columbia; BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Holly L. Hutton, Adeera Levin, Jagbir Gill, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Sean Barbour
  31. The Unrecognized Potential for Deceased Organ Donation in Canada
    Organizations: University of British Columbia; Canadian Blood Services
    Team: Caren Rose, Peter Nickerson, Kimberly Young, John Gill
  32. Unique System of Nocturnal Dialysis
    Organizations: Vancouver General Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Sunita Nair, Michael A. Copland, Lee Er, Mercedeh Kiaii, Adeera Levin
  33. Urinary ACR and PCR are Prognostically Equivalent: Implications for Clinicians and Laboratories
    Organizations: University of Manitoba; University of British Columbia; McMaster University; Memorial University of Newfoundland; Université de Montréal; University of Western Ontario; St. Paul's Hospital; BC Renal Agency
    Team: Claudio Rigatto, Adeera Levin, Catherine Clase, Brendan Barrett, François Madore, Norman Muirhead, Daniel Holmes, Mila Tang, Navdeep Tangri, Ognjenka Djurdjev

  1. An Overview of a 8-year-old Provincially Coordinated Independent Hemodialysis Program in British Columbia Canada
    Team: Lee Er
  2. Access to transplantation in the elderly: defining the unmet need
    Organizations: University of British Columbia; Charité Université Medicine
    Team: Elizabeth Hendren; Elke Schaeffner; Jagbir Gill; John S. Gill
  3. Care gaps and barriers to guideline-based management of glomerulonephritis: a survey of nephrologists
    Organizations:  Division of Nephrology, University of BC; BC Provincial Renal Agency; Division of Nephrology, University of Toronto
    Team: Sean Barbour; Monica C. Beaulieu; Jagbir Gill; Heather N. Reich; Adeera Levin
  4. Change in GFR and subsequent mortality: meta-analysis of 32 cohorts in the CKD prognosis consortium
    Team:Tanvir Chowdhury Turin; Kunihiro Matsushita; Josef Coresh; Hisatomi Arima; Steven J. Chadban; Massimo Cirillo; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Jamie Alton Green; Fujiko Irie; Joachim H. Ix; Csaba P. Kovesdy; Takayoshi Ohkubo; Chi Pang Wen; Paul E. de Jong; Kunitoshi Iseki; Benedicte Stengel; Ron T. Gansevoort; CKD Prognosis Consortium 
  5. Cost effectiveness of a strategy of paying to increase kidneys for transplantation from living donors: a decision analysis
    Organizations: Division of Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta; Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia; and Division of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton
    Team:  Lianne Barnieh; John Gill; Scott Klarenbach; Braden Manns
  6. Dialyzability of Drugs in Intermittent Hemodialysis 
    Organizations: St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital
    Team: Marianna Leung, Polly Kwok, Fong Huynh, Tinnie Chung, Mercedeh Kiaii, Beverly Jung, Michele Trask
  7. Dialyze-IHD: Dialyzability of drugs in intermittent hemodialysis
    Organizations: Providence Health Care and Vancouver Coastal Health 
    Team: Fong Huynh; Polly Kwok; Marianna Leung; Mercedeh Kiaii; Beverly Jung; Michele Trask
  8. Glomerular size on time zero kidney allograft biopsies and change in kidney function after live kidney donation
    Organizations: Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia; Alberta Transplant Applied Genomics Centre, University of Alberta
    Team: Howard Hao Yan; Elizabeth Hendren; James Dong; Michael Mengel; John S. Gill
  9. Longitudinal Evaluation of Symptom Burden in Hemodialysis Patients
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Marianna Leung, Beverly Jung, Fong Huynh, Tinnie Chung, Stan Marchuk, Mercedeh Kiaii, Ronald Werb, Clifford Chan-Yan
  10. Newer biomarkers improve prediction of death in CKD patients – CanPREDDICT study outcomes
    Organizations: University of British Columbia; BC Renal Agency; University of Manitoba; Université de Montréal; Memorial University of Newfoundland; Western University; University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
    Team: Adeera Levin; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Claudio Rigatto; Francois Madore; Brendan J. Barrett; Norman Muirhead; Myles S. Wolf
  11. Newer biomarkers slightly improve prediction of progression to renal replacement therapy in CKD patients – CanPREDDICT study outcomes
    Organization: University of British Columbia; BC Renal Agency; University of Manitoba; Université de Montréal; Memorial University of Newfoundland; Western University; University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
    Team:  Adeera Levin; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Claudio Rigatto; Francois Madore; Brendan J. Barrett; Norman Muirhead; Myles S. Wolf
  12. Perceptions of risks in chronic kidney disease among patients, clinicians and administrators
    Organizations: PHCRI; University of Manitoba; Provincial Health Services Authority; BC Provincial Renal Agency; Memorial University of Newfoundland; U of C; Université de Montréal; Western University; MU; University of British Columbia
    Team: Helen Chiu; Navdeep Tangri; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Brendan J. Barrett; Brenda Hemmelgarn; Francois Madore; Claudio Rigatto; Norman Muirhead; Manish M. Sood; Catherine M. Clase; Adeera Levin
  13. Peritoneal Dialysis Utilization Across Canada: Canadian Kidney Knowledge Translation and Generation Network (CANN-NET) 
    Organizations: University of Manitoba, University of Calgary, University of Saskatchewan, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, McGill University, University of Manitoba
    Team: Manish M Sood, Braden Manns, Joanne Kappel, Adeera Levin, David Naimark, Sharon J Nessim, Navdeep Tangri, Claudio Rigatto, Brett Hiebert, Paul Komenda
  14. Potential association between mycophenolate, but not tacrolimus, exposure and neutropenia in steroid-free renal transplant recipients
    Organizations:  Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia
    Team: Tony K. L. Kiang, Nilufar Partovi, Trana Hussaini, Rebecca Jean Shapiro, Mary H. H. Ensom
  15. Proteinuria does not need to be standardized to body surface area in adults with glomerulonephritis
    Organization: Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia; BC Provincial Renal Agency; Division of Nephrology, University of Toronto
    Team: Sean Barbour; Daniel C. Cattran; Gabriela Espino-Hernandez; Michelle A. Hladunewich; Adeera Levin; Heather N. Reich
  16. The First Study (Ferumoxytol Compared to Iron Sucrose Trial) - Safety and Efficacy of Ferumoxytol with Iron Sucrose for the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Canadian Participation
    Organization: University of Montreal, York Central Hospital, McGill University, University of British Columbia, King's College Hospital, AMAG Pharmaceuticals
    Team: François Madore, Bharat Nathoo, Paul Barré, Adeera Levin, Iain C. Macdougall, Zhu Li, William Strauss
  17. The Long Term Significance of De Novo Donor-Specific Antibodies Without Humoral Rejection
  18. Understanding Well- and Ill-Structured Everyday Problem Solving Ability in Renal Transplant Recipients
  19. Urinary ACR and PCR are prognostically equivalent for ESRD: results from CANPREDDICT
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, University of Manitoba, Memorial University of Newfoundland, University of Montreal, London Health Science Center, St. Paul's Hospital, McMaster University, British Columbia Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Adeera Levin, Claudio Rigatto, Brendan Barrett, François Madore4, Norman Muirhead, Daniel Holmes, Catherine M Clase, Mila Tang, Ognjenka Djurdjev, on behalf of CanPreddict Investigators
  20. Urinary albumin:creatinine and protein:creatinine are prognostically equivalent for CKD progression: results from CanPREDDICT
    Organizations: University of Manitoba; University of British Columbia; McMaster University; Université de Montréal; Memorial University of Newfoundland; London Health Science Centre; St. Paul's Hospital; BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Claudio Rigatto; Adeera Levin; Catherine M. Clase; Brendan J. Barrett; Francois Madore; Norman Muirhead; Navdeep Tangri; Mila Tang; Ognjenka Djurdjev
  21. Validation of the kidney failure risk equation in an international consortium
    Team: Navdeep Tangri; Andrew S. Levey; M. Grams; Josef Coresh; Brad C. Astor; Allan J. Collins; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Carolyn Raina Elley; Stein I. Hallan; Lesley Inker; Csaba P. Kovesdy; Florian Kronenberg; Hiddo Jan Lambers Heerspink; Angharad Marks; Sankar D. Navaneethan; Robert G. Nelson; Mark J. Sarnak; Benedicte Stengel; Mark Woodward; Kunitoshi Iseki; CKD Prognosis Consortium

  1. A Dynamic Predictive Model for the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease to Kidney Failure
    Organizations: University of Manitoba, University of British Columbia
    Team: Navdeep Tangri, Lesley Stevens Inker, David M. Kent, John Griffith, Ognjenka Djurdjev, David M. Naimark, Adeera Levin, Andrew S. Levey
  2. Acute Dialysis Risk in Living Kidney Donors
    Organizations: University of Alberta, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Science, McGill University, University of British Columbia, Transplant Manitoba, Toronto General Hospital, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Saint Louis University, Yale University, St. Michael's Hospital, McMaster University
    Team: Ngan Lam, Anjie Huang, Liane S. Feldman, John S. Gill, Martin Karpinski, Joseph Kim, Scott W. Klarenbach, Greg A. Knoll, Krista L. Lentine, Chris Y. Nguan, Chirag R. Parikh, G. V. Ramesh Prasad, Darin J. Treleaven, Ann Young, Amit X. Garg
  3. Age and the Association of Kidney Disease Measures with Mortality and End-Stage Renal Disease: A Meta-Analysis of 2 Million Participants from 46 Cohorts (for the CKD-PC Collaborators)
    Organization: CKD Prognosis Consortium
    Team: Stein I. Hallan, Kunihiro Matsushita, Yingying Sang, B. Khan Mahmoodi, Corri Black,  Areef Ishani, Nanne Kleefstra, David M. Naimark, Paul J. Roderick, Marcello Tonelli, Jack F. Wetzels, Brad C. Astor, Ron T. Gansevoort, Adeera Levin, Chi pang Wen, Josef Coresh
  4. An Introduction to CANN-NET - Canadian Kidney Knowledge Translation and Generation Network
    the CKD-PC Collaborators) 

    Organizations: Memorial University, University of Montreal, Dalhousie University, University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, McMaster University, University of Western Ontario, University of Calgary, St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Brendan Barrett, Rita Suri, Steve Soroka, Susan Samuel, Mike Zappitelli, Joanne Kappel, Manish Sood, Amit Garg, Louise Moist, William Clark, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Scott Klarenbach, Selina Omar Allu, Adeera Levin
  5. An overview of an 8-year-old provincially coordinated independent hemodialysis program in BC
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team: Adeera Levin Lee Er; Donna Murphy-Burke; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Michael Copland.
  6. An overview of the BC patients with Chronic Kidney Disease registered from 2003 to 2007
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team:  Adeera Levin, Gabriela Espino-Hernandez; Lee Er; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Monica Beaulieu
  7. Arteriovenous fistulas created before dialysis start – ongoing evaluation of preemptive AVF outcomes in British Columbia
    Organization: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team: Monica Beaulieu, Alexandra Romann; Janet Williams; Mercedeh Kiaii
  8. Asians with IgA Nephropathy Have an Increased Risk of Progression to End-Stage Renal Disease
    Organization: University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, Toronto Glomerulonephritis Registry
    Team: Sean Barbour, Daniel C. Cattran, Joseph Kim, Ron Wald, Adeera Levin, Michelle A. Hladunewich, Heather N. Reich
  9. Association of GFR and Albuminuria with Mortality and End-Stage Renal Disease across Asians, Whites, and Blacks: A Collaborative Analysis of 45 Cohorts (for the CKD-PC Collaborators)
    Organization: CKD Prognosis Consortium
    Team: Chi pang Wen, Kunihiro Matsushita, Josef Coresh, Kunitoshi Iseki, Muhammad Islam, Ronit Katz, William M. McClellan, Carmen A. Peralta, Haiyan Wang, Dick de Zeeuw, Brad C. Astor, Ron T. Gansevoort, Andrew S. Levey, Adeera Levin
  10. Canadian Study of Prediction of Death, Dialysis and Interim Cardiovascular Events: CANPREDDICT: Biomarkers improve prediction of one year outcomes in Chronic Kidney Cohort
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, University of Montreal, University of Manitoba, Memorial University of Newfoundland, BC Provincial Renal Agency, University of London
    Team: Adeera Levin, Francois Madore, Claudio Rigatto, Brendan Barrett, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Norman Muirhead
  11. Do the Associations of eGFR and Albuminuria with Mortality and Renal Failure Differ by Gender? A Meta-Analysis from a Global Consortium (for the CKD-PC Collaborators)
    Organization: CKD Prognosis Consortium
    Team: Dorothea Nitsch, M. Grams, Yingying Sang, Corri Black, Massimo Cirillo, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Kunitoshi Iseki, Simerjot K. Jassal, Heejin Kimm, Florian Kronenberg, Cecilia Montgomery Øien, Andrew S. Levey, Adeera Levin, Mark Woodward, Brenda Hemmelgarn
  12. Hypercalcemia After Kidney Transplantation as Predictor for Patient and Graft Outcomes
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Edward H. Cole, Caren Rose, James Dong, John S. Gill
  13. Implementing a provincial framework for End of Life (EOL) Care in British Columbia
    Organizations: Fraser Health, Providence Health Care, Vancouver Island Health, Interior Health, Northern Health; BC Renal Agency
    Team: Mohamud Karim, Donna Murphy-Burke; Ron Werb; Clifford Chan-Yan; Rachel Carson; Gaylene Hargrove; Brian Forzley; Marie Michaud; Robin Lowry
  14. Interventions for Promoting Adherence to Fluid Intake and Dietary Salt Restriction in Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, University of Sydney, St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Michelle M.Y. Wong, Jonathan C. Craig, Adeera Levin, Giovanni F.M. Strippoli
  15. Prophylactic Anticoagulation in Membranous Nephropathy: A Decision Analysis 
    Organizations: University of North Carolina, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia
    Team: Taewoo Lee, Andrea K. Biddle, Sean Barbour, Sophia Lionaki, Yichun Hu, Vimal K. Derebail, Michelle A. Hladunewich, Caroline Jennette Poulton, Shannon L. Mahoney, Susan L. Hogan, Shannon L. Mahoney, Ronald J. Falk, Daniel C. Cattran, Heather N. Reich, Patrick H. Nachman
  16. Risk Factors Associated with Hemodialysis Catheter Malfunction: Results from a Randomized Trial
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario
    Team:  David Ward, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Jennifer M. MacRae, Braden J. Manns, Nairne William Scott-Douglas, Marcello Tonelli, Adeera Levin,  Charmaine E. Lok, Louise M. Moist
  17. Selected Biomarkers have Differential Prognostic Value in Specific Primary Kidney Diseases
    Organizations:  University of British Columbia, BC Provincial Renal Agency, University of Montreal, Memorial University of Newfoundland, University of Western Ontario
    Team: Adeera Levin,  Ognjenka Djurdjev, Claudio Rigatto, Francois Madore, Brendan J. Barrett,  Norman Muirhead
  18. The British Columbia Nephrologists' Access Study: Reducing Wait Times for Outpatient Nephrology Consultations
    Organization: BC Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Michael Schachter,  Alexandra Romann, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin, Monica C. Beaulieu
  19. The Impact of Dialysis Exposure on Transplant Outcomes Differs in Canada and the United States
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital, Toronto General Hospital, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Manitoba
    Team: Caren Rose, Edward Cole, Greg Knoll, Peter Nickerson, John Gill
  20. The power of data – British Columbia’s provincial initiative of regular vascular acccess outcome reporting improves arteriovenous fistula rates
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team: Monica Beaulieu, Alexandra Romann; Janet Williams; Mercedeh Kiaii
  1. A Prospective Multi-Centre Evaluation of Timing of Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients in Canada 
    Organizations: Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de Montreal, St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, University of Calgary, University of Montreal, University of British Columbia, University of Western Ontario, McMaster University
    Team: Edward G. Clark, James William Barton, Josee Bouchard, Jan O. Friedrich, Michelle A. Hladunewich, Matthew T. James, Jean-Philippe Lafrance, Adeera Levin, Louise M. Moist, Neesh I. Pannu, D. E. Stollery, Ron Wald, Michael Walsh, Sean M. Bagshaw 
  2. Advancing End of Life Care Provision - A Provincial Framework
    Organizations:  Fraser Health, Providence Health Care, Vancouver Island Health; BC Renal Agency
    Team: Mohamud Karim, Donna Murphy-Burke; Marianna Leung; Clifford Chan Yan; Ron Werb; Gaylene Hargrove
  3. Pain is Under-recognized and Under-treated in Hemodialysis Patients
    Organizations: Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia; BC Renal Agency; St. Paul’s Hospital/Providence Health Care
    Team: Monica Beaulieu, Marianna Leung; Lee Er; Clifford Chan-Yan; Ronald Werb; Beverly Jung; Fong Huynh; Mercedeh Kiaii
  4. Patient Education Promoting ‘Peritoneal Dialysis First’: Its Impact on Unexpected Haemodialysis Starts
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team:  Jennifer Hanko, Alexandra Romann; Monica Beaulieu
  5. Peritoneal Dialysis as a Predialysis Modality Choice: Predictors of Commencing Peritoneal Dialysis Versus Haemodialysis
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team: Jennifer Hanko, Alexandra Romann; Monica Beaulieu
  6. Stenosis Length Predicts Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) Failure After First Radiologic Salvage
    Organizations: BC Renal Agency and Divison of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team: Alexandra Romann, Pascal Rheaume; Jason Clement; Mercedeh Kiaii; Ravindar Sidhu; Monica Beaulieu
  7. The British Columbia Nephrologists’ Access Study (BCNAS) - Waiting for Initial Specialist Assessment of Chronic Disease: A Systematic Approach to Developing Benchmarks
    Organization: BC Renal Agency and Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia
    Team: Michael E. Schachter, Alexandra Romann; Ognjenka Djurdjev; Adeera Levin; Monica Beaulieu
  8. The Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium (CKD-PC): A Global, Collaborative, Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis (for CKD-PC Collaborators)
    Organizations: John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, University of Wisconsin, University of Calgary, University of British Columbia, National Health Research Institutes, University Medical Center Groningen, Tufts Medical Center
    Team: Josef Coresh, Kunihiro Matsushita, Shoshana Ballew, Brad C. Astor, Mark Woodward, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Adeera Levin, Chi Pang Wen, Paul E. de Jong, Ron T. Gansevoort, Andrew S. Levey
  9. The Occurrence of Cancer in Patients with Membranous Nephropathy
    Organizations: University of North Carolina, Laiko Hospital, University of Toronto
    Team:  Sophia Lionaki, Sean Barbour, Yichun Hu, Susan L. Hogan, Caroline E. Jennette, Ronald J. Falk, Daniel C. Cattran, Patrick H. Nachman, Heather N. Reich
  1. A Patient's Perspective on Home Hemodialysis: Results of Sequential Provincial Surveys
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, British Columbia Provincial Renal Agency
    Team: Myriam Farah, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Monica Beaulieu, Donna Murphy-Burke, Adeera Levin, Michael Copland 
  2. Bioimpedance Measurement for Volume in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Participating in the CanPREDDICT Study: Design of a Prospective Study and Results of a Single Centre Pilot
    Organizations: McMaster University, University of British Columbia
    Team: Trevor J. Wilkieson, Mukesh Khandelwal, Cathy Z. Kotsamanes, Adeera Levin, Azim S. Gangji, Catherine M. Clase
  3. CanPREDDICT: Canadian Study for Predicting Dialysis, Death and Cardiovascular (CVD) Risk in CKD 
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, Universite de Montreal, University of Manitoba, Memorial University of Newfoundland, University of Western Ontario
    Team: Adeera Levin, Francois Madore, Claudio Rigatto, Brendan J. Barrett, Norman Muirhead, Daniel T. Holmes, Ognjenka Djurdjev 
  4. Comparison of Diasorin LIAISON Vitamin D Assay Against LC-Tandem MS in a CKD Cohort from the CanPREDDICT Study
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Daniel T. Holmes, Suzette M. Walsh, Hans Frykman, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin
  5. Disease-Specific Risk of Venous Thromboembolic Events in Idiopathic Glomerulonephritis 
    Organizations: University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, Queen's University
    Team: Sean Barbour, Allen Greenwald, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin, Michelle A. Hladunewich, Daniel C. Cattran, Heather N. Reich
  6. eGFR Variability in Primary Care: Normal Variation or Portending Increased Risk? Work in Progress 
    Organizations: East Kent Hospitals UK, St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Christopher K. T. Farmer, Jean Irving, Edmund J. Lamb, Adeera Levin, Paul E. Stevens
  7. Hypoalbuminemia Is a Risk Factor of Venous Thromboembolism in Membranous Nephropathy (MN) 
    Organizations: NC Kidney Center, Laiko Hospital Athens, University of Toronto
    Team: Sophia Lionaki Vimal K. Derebail, Susan L. Hogan, Michelle A. Hladunewich, Sean Barbour, Yichun Hu, Caroline E. Jennette, J. Charles Jennette, Ronald J. Falk, Daniel C. Cattran, Patrick H. Nachman, Heather N. Reich
  8. In Pancreas after Kidney Transplant Recipients (PAK), the Pre-Pancreas Level of Kidney Allograft Function Is Associated with Kidney Allograft Failure 
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Sarah A. Browne, Jagbir Gill, James Dong, Caren L. Rose, John S. Gill
  9. Lowering Dietary Phosphate Intake Reduces Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF-23) in Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3 and 4 
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Mhairi K. Sigrist, Monica C. Beaulieu, Adeera Levin
  10. Patient Education Promoting 'Peritoneal Dialysis First': Its Impact on Unexpected Haemodialysis Starts
    Organizations: BC Provincial Renal Agency, University of British Columbia
    Team: Jennifer Hanko, Alexandra Romann, Monica Beaulieu
  11. Peritoneal Dialysis as a Predialysis Modality Choice: Predictors of Commencing Peritoneal Dialysis Versus Haemodialysis
    Organizations: BC Provincial Renal Agency, University of British Columbia
    Team: Jennifer Hanko, Alexandra Romann, Monica Beaulieu
  12. Relationships between Diasorin LIAISON 1-84PTH, Intact PTH, Bone ALP, and 25(OH)Vitamin D in a CKD Cohort from the CanPREDDICT Study
    Organization: University of British Columbia
    Team: Daniel T. Holmes, Ognjenka Djurdjev, Adeera Levin
  13. The Retraction of Living Kidney Donation Is Most Marked among the Poor 
    Organization: St. Paul's Hospital
    Team: Jagbir Gill, James Dong, Caren L. Rose, John S. Gill


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